
Our life is centered in the Holy Eucharist - Jesus Christ, real and present in the Blessed Sacrament - is our fount of strength, the spiritual food that nourishes us throughout the day, permeates all that we do and all that we are.

The Eucharistic celebration is the greatest privilege our faith gives us. We participate in the Sacrifice of the Mass daily, and unite ourselves with the perfect Offering our Lord makes to His Father, spiritually offering ourselves, our vowed life, our prayer, our penance, and our apostolic work.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is another dimension of our Eucharistic life, and one of the essential characteristics of our calling. We participate in weekly Eucharistic adoration in our Chapels, offering reparation to the Divine Heart of Jesus for the offences committed against Him, especially the denial and unbelief of His divinity.

The Holy Eucharist is the fount and climax of our entire Christian and religious life.

Holy Mass

In the celebration of the Holy Eucharist we are united with the whole Church because of the presence of our Lord. The Lord has brought us together. He consecrates us to the Father. He sends us back into the world to make known the message of His Gospel by our lives and our works.

Eucharistic Adoration

Our Eucharistic adoration makes us more attentive to the love of our Lord present also in our modern world. Through it we are invited to unite ourselves with Him in His acts of thanksgiving and intercession, to dedicate our lives to the Covenant between God and His people, to live and work for unity, among Christians and among all people.