Carina Neisser

I am a Post-doc Researcher in Economics at the University of Cologne and member of the ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Cluster of Excellence & member of the Center for Social and Economic Behavior (C-SEB). I am affiliated with the ZEW – Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim as a Junior Research Associate (Research Area: Social Policy and Redistribution). I am further affiliated with the IZA Institute of Labor Economics.

I hold a Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim and have been visiting UC Berkeley and Stockholm University.  You can find my full CV here.

My research is on the intersection of public economics, political economy and applied micro econometrics. I am interested in behavioral responses towards taxation and I study the effectiveness of transparency initiatives in various settings.    

ORCID  Google Scholar LinkendIn

Contact: Dr. Carina NeisserPost-doc Researcher in Economics @ U Cologne / ECONtribute: Markets & Public Policy Cluster of Excellence Web: neisser"at"wiso"dot"uni-koeln"dot"deTwitter: "at"NicerCarinaPhone: +49 (0)221-470 – 6070 University of Cologne,Student Service Center (SSC) Building 102, Room 3.308,Universitätsstraße 22a, 50937 Cologne – Germany
Last Update: 03/2024