Graduate students

Caroline Deslongchamps

M.Sc. student, 2023-

Université Laval, Department of Biology (QC, Canada)

Research project:

Director: Steeve Côté, co-director: Martin-Hugues St-Laurent

Title: Impact of linear structures on the behavior of migratory caribou.

Objective: Quantify the effects of mining transport on caribou behaviour. Identify measures to mitigate these effects

Mattis Pelletier

M.Sc. student, 2023-

Université Laval, Department of Biology (QC, Canada) 

Research project:

Director: Sandra Hamel, co-director: Steeve Côté

Title: Impact of cohort effects on life-history traits of migratory caribou.

Objective: Identify the environmental conditions experienced in the first year of life leading to cohort effects reflected in body size and mass at 1 year. Assess short-term consequences on the recruitment rate of the different cohorts and, long-term consequences on annual survival and longevity of females.

Anthony Asselin  

M.Sc. student, 2022-

Université Laval, Department of Biology (QC, Canada) 

Research project:

Director: Steeve Côté, co-director: Sandra Hamel 

Title: Fine-scale use, temporal changes and fidelity of winter range use in migratory caribou

Objective: Delineate the wintering areas of the Rivière-aux-Feuilles and Rivière-George herds from 1991 to the present. Test the influence of weather conditions and population size on spatiotemporal patterns of winter range use and selection (population and individual scale). Determine wintering area fidelity and assess the existence of social cohesion.

Adèle Michaud  

M.Sc. student, 2022-

Université Laval, Department of Biology (QC, Canada) 

Research project:

Director: Steeve Côté, co-director: Mathieu Leblond 

Title: Definition of critical habitat for eastern migratory caribou.

Objective: Identify the critical habitat of the migratory caribou of the Rivière-aux-Feuilles and Rivière-George herds and map the areas of intensive use for each period of its life cycle (calving areas, summer areas, migratory corridors, wintering areas).