

Radio-Canada, L’heure du monde, 3 February 2023. Radio interview by Steeve Côté with Felix Lebel about the status of Eastern migratory caribou populations. To listen, click here.


Radio-Canada, Boréale 138, 21 October 2020. Radio interview by Steeve Côté with Guillaume Hubermont entitled « Le troupeau de caribou de la rivière George se porte mieux » about the latest inventory of the MFFP of the Rivière-George caribou herd. To listen, click here.


Radio-Canada, Bien entendu, 18 December 2019. Radio chronicle by Pierre Gingras entitled « Le renne, le caribou et le père-noël » about the migratory caribou.

Globe Reporters, 4 December 2019. Interview with Marie Leduc entitled « La détresse du caribou » (Globe Reporters is a media education program for 13 year olds in France and Romania).

Radio-Canada Côte-Nord, 18 January 2019. Radio interview with Diavan Habel-Thurton about the migratory caribou.

Radio-Canada, Medium Large, 8 January 2019. Radio chronicle by Pierre Gingras entitled « Caribous: un creux historique » about the decline of the Rivière-George migratory caribou population.

CBC Newfoundland and Labrador, 3 January 2019. Radio interview with John Gaudi about the conservation of the Rivière-George caribou.


Radio-Canada Côte Nord, Boréale 138, 10 September 2018. Radio interview of Steeve Côtéwith Guillaume Hubermont converning a rare sighting of Muskox near Schefferville (Quebec). To listen, click here.

Radio-Canada, La nature selon Boucar, 4 August 2018. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Boucar Diouf concerning the population decline of caribou. To listen, click here.

Radio-Canada Côte Nord, Boréale 138, 1 February 2018. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Michel Plourde concerning the strategy to ensure the vitality and enhancement of nordic heritage. To listen, click here.

CBC Newfoundland and Labrador, 29 January 2018. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Bailey White concerning the population dynamic of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

CBC Newfoundland and Labrador, 24 January 2018. Interview of Steeve Côté with John Gaudi for a radio report entitled "Caribou Land", concerning the demography and hunting of the Rivière-George caribou herd. To listen, click here.


Radio-Canada, 26 December 2017. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Pierre Gingras and Catherine Perrin concerning the situation of woodland and migratory caribou.

CBC Quebec, Québec AM, 21 March 2017. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Susan Campbell on population dynamics of the Rivière-aux-Feuilles caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Côte-Nord, Bonjour la Côte, 9 March 2017. Radio interview of Steeve Côté titled « Des caméras pour les caribous ».

Radio-Canada, Radio-Canada cet après-midi, 8 March 2017. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Catherine Lachaussée titled « Faut-il autoriser la chasse aux loups pour remplacer la chasse aux caribous? ».

RDI, En direct, 8 March 2017. TV interview of Steeve Côté with Christine Fournier on hunting wolves as a possible tourist activity in northern Quebec.

Hunting report (USA), 19 January 2017. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Tim Jones on population dynamics of migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.


Radio-Canada, 18 December 2016. Radio interview with Franco Nuevo concerning the decline of all caribou ecotypes in Quebec.

Radio-Canada, 13 December 2016. Entrevue avec Mélanie Meloche-Holubowski intitulé « Où trouve-t-on des rennes? La réponse en carte » portant sur le déclin des caribous à l’échelle circumpolaire.

Radio-Canada Côte-Nord, Boréale 138, 15 September 2016. Live radio interview with Michel Plourde concerning the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

OkâlaKatiget Society, 12 February 2016. Interview of Steeve Côté for the Nain inuit radio concerning our work on the Rivière-George, and Torngat Mountain caribou herds.

CBC, North-Quebec, 12 February 2016. Interview of Steeve Côté with journalist Caroline Nepton Hotte about the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Terre-Neuve-Labrador, 11 February 2016. Radio interview of Steeve Côté concerning the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.


Radio-Canada, 14 December 2015. Interview of Steeve Côté with Pierre Gingras concerning our work on migratory caribou.

CBC, Yellowknife, 9 January 2015. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with A. Devereaux on the situation of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Abitibi, 5 January 2015. Radio interview of Steeve Côté on the situation of the Rivière-aux-Feuilles caribou herd.


Radio-Canada Côte-Nord, 21 August 2014. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Bis Petitpas on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Sept-Iles, 19 August 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Louis Garneau on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

CBC North Iqualuit, 19 August 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Shaun Malley on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

CBC Radio Manitoba, 15 August 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Jean Fontaine on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Nunatsiaq News, 15 August 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Helen McGregor on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

CBC Radio Terre-Neuve, 14 August 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Vik Adhopia on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Nouvelle-Écosse et Terre-Neuve, 4 February 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with Jean-Albert Maire on the decline of the Rivière-George caribou herd.

Radio-Canada Labrador, 3 February 2014. Interview of Steeve Côté with John Gaudi concerning the impacts of hunting on the demography of migratory caribou.


Enquête, 22 April 2013. Interview of Steeve Côté with Josée Dupuis on anthropogenic changes in northern ecosystems.

CBC Radio St.John’s, 30 January 2013. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Ted Gates on the decline of the Rivière-George herd.

Radio-Canada Côte-Nord, 29 January 2013. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Carl Marchand on the five-year ban on hunting caribou from the George River herd.

Première chaîne de Radio-Canada, Petits pas et grandes pointures, 29 January 2013. Interdiction de chasse du caribou à Terre-Neuve. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Bis Petitpas.


Radio-Canada Manitoba, Les matins de l’Ouest, 26 December 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Guy Noël (Les efforts pour protéger les rennes du père Noël, menacés d'extinction).

Radio-Canada Nouvelle-Écosse et T.-N., Le réveil, 21 Decembre 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Stéphane Côté (Les rennes du Père Noël sont peut-être voués à l’extinction).

Radio-Canada, Bernier et cie, 21 Decembre 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Carl Bernier (Des rennes menacés).

Radio-Canada, Première heure, 21 December 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Claude Bernatchez (Les rennes du Canada sont-ils en voie de disparition?).

Radio-Canada, La fin de semaine est à 7 heures, 15 Decembre 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Jean-François Coulombe (Lumière rouge pour le petit renne au nez rouge).

Radio-Canada Île-du-Prince-Édouard, Le réveil, 12 December 2012. Radio interview of Marco Festa-Bianchet with Denis Duchesne (Les rennes en danger).

Radio-Canada International, 21 August 2012. Scientist calls for ban on sport hunting of caribou in western Labrador. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Gilda Salomone on the Rivière-George herd status.

CBC Radio, Labrador morning, 20 August 2012. Figuring out the problem of dwindling caribou. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with John Gaudi on the causes of decline of the Rivière-George herd.

CBC Radio, 19 April 2012. Northern Futures: Protecting caribou in Nunavik. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Ainslie MacLellan on the causes of decline for the migratory caribou herds from Québec-Labrador.

CBC Radio, Labrador morning, 12 February 2012. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Tony Dawson on the decline of the Rivière-George herd.


Première chaîne de Radio-Canada, L’après-midi porte conseil, 19 December 2011. Le déclin du caribou nordique. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Dominique Poirier on the situation of the migratory caribou herds from Québec-Labrador.

La Toile scientifique, December 2011. Interview with Steeve Côté about the research work carried out within the framework of Caribou Ungava.

Première chaîne de Radio-Canada, Les années lumière, 22 May 2011. Déclin du caribou : les troupeaux fantômes. Radio interview of Steeve Côté, Jean-Pierre Tremblay, Joëlle Taillon, and Christian Dussault with Sophie-Andrée Blondin on the research program of Caribou Ungava.

Radio-Canada Sept-Îles, 15 March 2011. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Sébastien Poulin-Fortin on the decline of caribou populations.

CBC Radio, 17 January 2011. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Susan Campbell on the decline of the Rivière-George herd.

CBC Radio, 14 January 2011. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Glenn Wanamaker on traditional caribou hunting in Labrador.

Radio-Canada télévision, 13 January 2011. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Gilbert Bégin on our research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.


Ouest France, 17 December 2010. Interview of Steeve Côté with Marie-Laure Josselin on the decline of caribou populations.

FM 94, Sept-Iles, 14 December 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Jean-Philippe Langlais on caribou hunting.

Radio Ville-Marie, Montréal, 14 December 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Denis Miron on the decline of caribou populations.

CBC North Radio 1, Yellowknife, 22 novembre 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with J. Oosenbrug on climate change and caribou.

CBC North Radio 1, Yellowknife, 10 November 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté and Jean-Pierre Tremblay with Pierre Gingras on the habitat of the Rivière-George herd.

Radio-Canada, 10 November 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with B. Marchand on the aerial survey of the Rivière-George herd.

Radio-Canada, C’est bien meilleur le matin, 10 November 2010. Radio chronicle of Pierre Gingras based on a interview with Steeve Côté and Jean-Pierre Tremblay concerning the decline of the Rivière-George herd.

Radio-Canada, Manitoba and Québec, 26 October 2010. Interview of Steeve Côté on our research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.

CBC North-Quebec, Boréal Hebdo, 9 September 2010. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Caroline Nepton Hotte on the aerial survey of the Rivière-George herd.


CBC North-Quebec, Boreal Hebdo, 23 May 2009. Radio interview of Joël Pagé (Sustainable Development Manager) with Caroline Nepton Hotte on the parternship of Xstrata Nickel – Raglan Mine in the research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.

CBC North-Quebec, Boreal Hebdo, 23 May 2009. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Caroline Nepton Hotte on the research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.

Radio-Canada, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 19 May 2009. Radio interview of Joël Pagé (Sustainable Development Manager) with Claude Bouchard on the parternship of Xstrata Nickel – Raglan Mine in the research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.

Radio-Canada, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 19 May 2009. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Claude Bouchard on the research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.

Radio communautaire de Salluit, 21 April 2009. Radio interview of Jean-Pierre Tremblay on a research project on the impacts of grazing and climate change on the resources used by caribou.

Radio-Canada, Montréal, C’est bien meilleur le matin, 26 March 2009. Radio interview of Steeve Côté with Pierre Gingras on the research program on migratory caribou of Quebec-Labrador.