Since the 2022 summer, Adèle Michaud has been conducting a Master's research project aimed at defining the critical habitat of the Eastern migratory caribou populations in Canada. While most of her time is spent behind a screen, analyzing telemetry data, an opportunity came up for her in the fall of 2022 to travel to Nunavik to take part in the classification of the Rivière-aux-Feuilles herd during its migration. Returning to her analyses, Adèle is working on identifying the environmental variables characterizing the habitat required for the survival of migratory caribou in Eastern Canada. To do so, Adèle is modeling the seasonal habitat selection of migratory caribou from the Rivière-aux-Feuilles and Rivière George herds. The results of her research are about to be available. This new knowledge will be crucial for the conservation strategies designed to protect this emblematic species.

[Posted  on  2024-05-03]