CARES program

We currently offer a three-week interactive tailored workshop series, which teaches the following and more:

    • Positive imagery and visualization
    • Practicing gratitude
    • Silencing the "Inner Critic"
    • Basic deep breathing for coping with stress
    • Cultivating empathy for others to improve self-happiness
    • Setting goals and overcoming procrastination
    • Understanding differences between healthy stress and flourishing versus mental illness and languishing
    • Available resources for student mental well-being

Our program was pilot-tested in three graduate departments and a community center at Stanford University and was highly recommended by 89% of surveyed participants with a net 18% increase between pre and post participants in resilience-based outcomes and a 7% increase in self-flourishing outcomes.


UP Project

  • To help better understand the diversity in young adult perspectives, we also launched the UP Project, which collects student narratives of those overcoming mental illness.
