1. What deck should I be using? / What's the best deck for cardistry?

Any deck can be used for cardistry and there is no single, objectively "best" deck for cardistry. Standard bicycle decks (~$3 USD) are recommended for beginners but feel free to try other decks. In general, it's preferred to use poker-size, paper decks for cardistry as paper cards will handle some moves better than plastic cards and non-standard size decks may make some moves harder to perform. Ultimately, the "best" deck for you is always going to be the deck you like the most :)

2. My hands are too small. How can I fix this?

Your hands are NOT too small. Check out Madhi Gilbert, Lukas Rebele, Kaitlyn Chen, Kieran Shin, or LingNemesis for comparison.

You may need to practice more, try different grips or try using less cards to get there (avoid bridge-size cards if possible). Some moves will be harder without larger hands, but most moves out there are possible with enough effort and patience.

3. I need help with ___ move. Any tips?

Have you practiced enough and re-watched the tutorial (by the original creator)? If so, consider using the Reddit search bar at the top right of r/Cardistry to see if anyone has asked for tips in the past or reach out to the Cardistry Discord to get help. Otherwise, make a post with the move you’re trying to learn, an explanation of the part you’re struggling with, and ideally, a video of your move so far. Don’t feel bad if the only answer you get is to practice more :)

4. My cards have a “click” in them / have dented corners / can’t fan / clump up. How can I fix this?

If the cards make a “click” when you use them or seem warped and unable to be completely flat, it's mostly due to humid climates and temperature changes. To fix this, you can press the cards down with heavy objects, store them in a proper card clip, faro half the cards face-up into face-down and store that in a box with a couple extra cards to keep it tight. In addition, you can spring and LePaul spread the cards to continually wear the cards in to remove the click.

For dented corners, see Figure52’s video on fixing ruined corners. If the cards are clumping together or can’t fan, try leaving them alone in their box for a couple days before trying to use them again. If they still can’t fan, try fanning powder and use Jaspas’ fanning powder tutorial or Lotus in Hand’s tutorial to apply it.

5. I just created a move. Has anyone done this move before?

If the move is very simple or combines some basic moves together, chances are, it’s been done before. It’s better just to focus on creating moves without worrying about its originality. Create for the sake of having enjoyment and experimentation, especially for beginners. Once you've developed your idea more, then you can start looking into its originality and uniqueness.

Still have questions? Check out the Infrequently Asked Questions!