
As it stands right now, the majority of cardistry moves and cuts are free tutorials produced by the original creators. We are lucky enough to have an art form that allows for the sharing of knowledge and the ability to follow what other creators have produced for free. ​

However, some cardists and creators rely on cardistry for a living, thus, some tutorials are paid. We ask that you respect the creator by choosing to buy their move instead of following a “free” tutorial on YouTube or pirating the move. You can read Tobias Levin’s thoughts on this issue in his Reddit comment here.

We realize that some moves are no longer purchasable/accessible anymore but we still urge you to wait for the creator to re-release the tutorial instead of trying to find a pirated version of the tutorial.

Although it may seem obvious, you should not claim credit for a move that you didn't create yourself out of common courtesy and respect for the original creator. Along the same line, we suggest that you do not create a tutorial for a move that you did not create yourself without the creator's explicit permission. In doing so, you may be teaching the move incorrectly, performing the move poorly, or skipping small details that are key to perfecting the move. Ultimately, just remember the golden rule and use some common sense :)