Typically, like most software, the default setting for MT4/MT5 automatically updates the software. The software will periodically check the Metaquotes website to determine any new updates. These new updates will be downloaded automatically on the computer, laptop, smartphone, or another gadget where MetaTrader is installed. The updates will be made automatically so that the updated version is available. However, in some cases, the forex trader would prefer to update mt4 manually since they want to control what is downloaded on the computer.

When you log in to your MetaTrader account on your mobile app and your desktop setup (or your VPS server, tablet, laptop, or whatever), you can make a trade on one device, and it will instantly appear on your other device.

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Hi, how do I actually set up the LTC in my mobile? it is working fine with my laptop but trades opened from the master account in my mobile could not be sent to my slave accounts, is there any solution or tutorial for me to follow? Thanks

You should now be able to easily set up MetaTrader push notifications so that you get an alert sent to your mobile device if price moves above or below a certain level or if some other major market event occurs. As shown above, you can also set up alerts for your desktop / laptop as well, so that if you have your computer open but are in the other room, you will hear an alert if price makes a big move.

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Karena ini adalah prosedur yang cukup sederhana, kami akan mengilustrasikan panduan langkah demi langkah tentang cara menginstal MT4 menggunakan VPS dan pengaturan serta persyaratan apa yang perlu dipertimbangkan

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