I want to create a small application that will access twitter api to read feeds using application level authentication only. I have read many docs over net and feeling extremely confused. I understand that twitter api needs OAth to authorize any application to get or write data from/into twitter. For getting the keys associated(consumer secret key) the dev apps page of twitter asks us to create a new app which I created to get the keys. Now I have some tutorials that say how to make a properties file to save those keys and start running the java application.

The problem is even after following everything i am not able to run the application. Can anyone describe in a step by step method about creating a java application to read feeds, setting up all the configurations needed, creating and explaining all the steps needed to get the keys ? I am using twitter 4j.

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Its so simple to create a java client to read twitter messages using some third party libraries like Twitter4j etc. You did not mention which tweets you wanted to read whether your own tweets or someone else's, anyway I followed this blog and got my work done :)


Thanks for the code.It is very helpful.

But in the above code there is no proxy involved in between the call to twitter.

In my case there is proxy involved so i would like to know how the above code can be modified so as to make a call to api.twitter.com via proxies.

@javajuneauA Fermilab application developer and system analyst, Juneau is a seasoned developer. Among his specialties are developing in Groovy and SQL and for Java SE and EE applications. He is also a prolific writer of Java books and articles. Follow Juneau for loads of technical content, from tutorials to news and conference coverage.

@steveonjavaA lead Java community manager at Oracle, Chin is a Java guru and JavaFX evangelist. He is an active conference speaker and the host of the Nighthacking webcast series. Chin runs the aptly named website Steve On Java, with content ranging from conference coverage to retro gaming.

Paul is a software architect at Infotech with a boatload of Java experience. He shares his technical expertise on his Java67 and Javarevisited blogs. The programmer and prolific blogger has a twitter field full of tutorials.

Charles Humble (@charleshumble on twitter) is the CTO for PRPi Consulting with overall responsibility for the development of all the custom software used within the company. He has worked in enterprise software for around 15 years as a developer, architect and development manager. He co-founded Conissaunce, a UK based enterprise computing consultancy focused on the retail and financial services industries, and remains a director of the firm. He spends as much time as he can with his young family, and writes music with twofish.

I believe Charles Humble has just narrated the twitter experience and explained their reasons for choosing not selecting Ruby for their specific case. In fact one of reasons assigned is the availability and skill of their existing resource. Charles Humble doesn't necessarily argue against Rails but in a way it is a suggestion that small timers would definitely benefit using rails. Further Ruby and Rails has grown much beyond the status of what it used to be. The sole reason that Rails drastically reduces development time and effort is enough for most people to go for rails.

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i was looking for such information on advance and core java and your information helped me a lot. I really like that you are providing such information. Thanks.

twitter-api-java-sdk is Twitter's official SDK for Java that supports the Twitter API v2 and the academic research product track. In this guide, we will learn how to use the various functionality available in the Twitter API v2, using this twitter-api-java-sdk.

Once the query arrives at a workflow pipeline, it passes through the sequence of service handlers as defined by the workflow. Each service handler constructs the appropriate back-end request for that query and issues it to the remote server. For example, the real-time service handler constructs a realtime search request and issues it to one or more realtime index servers asynchronously. We are using the twitter commons library (recently open-sourced!) to provide connection-pool management, load-balancing, and dead host detection.

JTwitter is a small library providing easy access to the Twitter API. Set and get your status, manage your network of friends, message friends, maintain lists, etc. Lots of features - if you can do it at twitter.com, you can do it with JTwitter. Includes work-arounds for rough-edgesin the Twitter API to make coding easiser and more robust. Also has supportfor Klout and other Twitter eco-system sites.

"I'd say there's a good 40 percent of comments with people just ranting about Java. So I kind of liked that I pulled in people who are as offended by the fact that the guy defended java as they are about the patronizing tone," Golbeck said.

The example for this discussion is the MuleSoft Twitter connector, which is based on the unofficial but widely used twitter4j client library. The source code for the Twitter Connector on GitHub is available and referenced in the discussion section.

If you are employing a natively-supported connection mechanism, you should go with DevKit support. Otherwise, you might employ a hybrid approach, as with Twitter. The Twitter connector implements an interesting hybrid approach, defined in GitHub at TwitterConnector.java:

On the other hand, we have a series of @Processor methods that implement OAuth-related functionality, like getting and managing an access token by calling functions exposed by class twitter4j.Twitter:

The following code snippet illustrates how you can now use the new java.nio APIs on all devices, including devices running Android 7 and lower, through the methods of kotlin.io.path which depend on java.nio.file.Files. A temp file can be created, written into, read, and its basic attributes and its existence can be queried using the new java.nio APIs.

For everything related to Machine learning, java is generally not a popular choice. However, given the language popularity, there are some libraries and frameworks for pretty much everything!

The application uses Stanford CoreNLP library java api to analyse tweets extracted by Twitter4J library. The backend server is developed using spring (boot), and the frontend built using ReactJS.

As main functionalities, the application enable based on a keyword to either analyse live twitter stream data and classify it, or perform a search and post-analyse the tweets. The default behaviour is the streaming mode, but we can easily switch to the search mode simply by a click of button!

I made use of the popular open source java library Twitter4J to fetch tweets. It provides a convenient API for accessing the Twitter API.

The TwitterService class contains the main methods interacting with Twitter API to search for tweets based on keywords:

Spring Social makes it easy to add support for service providers that are not already supported by the framework.If you review the existing client modules, such as spring-social-twitter and spring-social-facebook, you will discover they are implemented in a consistent manner and they apply a set of well-defined extension points.In this chapter, you will learn how to add support for new service providers you wish to integrate into your applications.

A Spring Social client module is a standard Java project that builds a single jar artifact e.g. spring-social-twitter.jar.We recommend the code structure of a client module follow the guidelines described below.

Favor separating the API binding interface from the implementation.This is illustrated in the spring-social-twitter example in the previous section.There, "Twitter" is the central API binding type and it is declared in the org.springframework.social.twitter.api package with other public types."TwitterTemplate" is the primary implementation of this interface and is located in the org.springframework.social.twitter.api.impl subpackage along with other package-private implementation types.

API developers are free to implement their Java API binding with whatever REST/HTTP client they see fit.That said, Spring Social's existing API bindings such as spring-social-twitter all use Spring Framework's RestTemplate in conjunction with the Jackson JSON ObjectMapper and Apache HttpComponents HTTP client.RestTemplate is a popular REST client that provides a uniform object mapping interface across a variety of data exchange formats (JSON, XML, etc).Jackson is the leading Java-based JSON marshalling technology.Apache HttpComponents has proven to be the most robust HTTP client (if it is not available on the classpath Spring Social will fallback to standard J2SE facilities, however).To help promote consistency across Spring Social's supported bindings, we do recommend you consider these implementation technologies (and please let us know if they do not meet your needs).

For complete implementation examples, consult the source of the existing API bindings included in Spring Social.The spring-social-twitter and spring-social-facebook modules provide particularly good references.

For complete test examples, consult the source of the existing API bindings included in Spring Social.The spring-social-twitter and spring-social-facebook modules provide particularly good references. ff782bc1db

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