Archive & pictures

The official hand over between the "old" and the new Treasurer!! Thanks, Harold for your many years of service (since 1986)

Thanks, Bob for taking over... big shoes to fill 

Greenbelt Middles School

In Person meeting

March 13, 2025

Special postcard for Harold, signed by all

2024 Officers: Clarissa Harold and Tony

Celebration for Harold Silver

37 years of service!!

Treasurer and secretary

December 19, 2024

Postcrossing Meetup with two Postcards: Postcrossing page


October 25-27

Bob Toal won various awards:

NAPEX 2024

June 7-9

PostCrossing Meetup

NAPEX 2024

June 8

Special cancellation for June 8

Lilah Haxton- the organizer

June 8, 2023 

Meeting at Greenbelt MS

Marva, Tony (President), Clarissa (Vice-President), Richard and Harold (Treasurer/Secretary)

December 8, 2022 meeting

Library Greenbelt Middle School, Greenbelt MD

Officers 2023

President:  Tony Chaves

Vice-President: Clarissa Ferraris

Treasurer/Secretary:  Harold Silver

Clarissa and Marva

Presentation of the new Date Meets Zip Code Postcard [ February 16, 2023 - Church Hill, MD - designed by Sofia Medillin]

Meeting March 2022

Some dealers and Members and our Secretary/Tresaurer Harold

Clubs' Newsletters published:  (do you have others?  Scan them and send them to Clarissa

If only the year is showed, it implies that more than one newsletter is available for that year

December 10, 2009 Meeting at Greenbelt Middle School

Harold Hi Ho - 2008

Clarissa & Tony

World Stamp Expo'89,  Washington DC

from the CBPCC Bulletin January 1990

Every five years the Universal Postal Union holds a Congress. It is always organized by a different country. This year the 20th congress was held in Washington D.C.. Our country decided to celebrate the anniversary by organizing a World Expo, inviting countries and clubs to exhibit. The results were overwhelming: 104 frames, over 600 booths held either by countries or by dealers. A thorough visit took days. This was the first time that such an exhibit was ever held in the world and this was once in a lifetime occasion to be able to participate.

As a reminder, the Universal Postal Union (UPU) was founded in 1874 in Berne, Switzerland, where 22 nations reached an agreement to unify the world’s postal system by accepting some principles that remain in effect today. Ever since, the Congress which is the supreme authority of the UPU, meet to discuss new regulations. At the 20th Congress this year, 170 countries were represented.

We made sure that we were well represented too. As you might know by now we exhibited and we held a talk. Our board was very well positioned, no one passing by could have possibly missed it. The topic was a presentation of postcard history, topics, and our Club. The talk was given by Tony  Chaves and Clarissa Ferraris. Tony presented a slide show featuring postcards rom the creation of the first postal Card to the birth of the Chrome era (1939). Clarissa covered the Chrome era  with slides showing postcards mainly from the '8O's. The lengthy discussion that followed proved the interest of the audience.

CBPCC board at the World Stamp Expo