Mapping Challenge

Army Cadets - Bonus Challenge

During outdoor activities, it is important to inform your parents of your movements and to respect the public health measures.

Orient a map by inspection

Orienting a map by inspection means to turn the map so that, visually, the map directions and map detail correspond with that which is on the ground. This is the simplest and quickest way of orienting a map, provided

you have a general idea of your own position.

Orienting the map does a number of things:

  • it makes it easy to relate the map to the ground when direction and distance on the map corresponds to the ground;

  • it helps you find your location or direction if you are in doubt; and

  • when moving over a complex route, or when traveling over long distances, orienting the map will keep you on the right track.

How to orient a map

In order to orient your map by inspection the following steps should be followed:

1. identify your approximate location on the map;

2. identify two or three prominent objects or landmarks on the ground and find them on the map. Try to use landmarks in different directions;

3. rotate your map until all identified objects on the map line-up with the direction in which objects are located on the ground; and

4. check visually to ensure that all features to your front are in front of your position on the map.

Mapping Challenge

Here are the steps:

  1. On a piece of paper draw a map of your neighbourhood. ( including your house, your street and nearby streets)

  2. Take the map and go outside (dress for the weather conditions).

  3. Using the map, navigate through the neighborhood, aligning the map by inspection. (bring a pencil to make changes on the map).

  4. Take a picture outside with your card.

  5. Back home, complete the form and add the photo taken outside.

Tip : To help you in the design of your map, you can use Google Maps.

Participation Form