
Daily meeting

Every day at 10 a.m., meet-up with other cadets from Ottawa Valley to kick off your day !

Tuesday (1 p.m.):
Lysanne Richard

Lift Your Limits

It is no coincidence that the title of Lysanne Richard’s conference, in addition to being the title of her authoritative biography by Myriam Jézéquel published by Flammarion Québec, is lift your limits.

Lift your limits is a key phrase and a guideline in Lysanne’s life. Lift your limits fully represents her philosophy of life. The artistic side of this multi-disciplinary athlete with a colourful past, filled with her experience as a circus artist, mother of three children and top athlete, is exploited in this dynamic conference, where, based on her experiences, Lysanne shares her passion and her point of view.

Transforming yourself by offering yourself the chance to experience your own self-improvement is at the heart of this meeting with the speaker. Lysanne exchanges with the audience about different topics and values such as determination, resilience, trust, courage, pleasure, pride and teamwork, and she adds a few anecdotes with great humility.

You will come out of this conference inspired and motivated to live your own surpassing of yourself and so you will dare to launch yourself in the conquest of your adventure.

Wednesday (1 p.m.):
Mylène Paquette

Rowing Forward, One Stroke at a Time


"Oh yes, the rower with the little yellow boat!"

A modern-day heroine, it was in November 2013 that Mylène Paquette came to write her name alongside these men and women who knew how to surpass themselves to accomplish a feat that was said to be impossible. 129 days to row, alone, the one many navigators dread: the Atlantic Ocean. A first in America!

Since 2010, Mylène has been a speaker in business as well as in front of school-age students. Mylène now offers a suitable service to continue its mission and continue to inspire everyone, in these times of change and disruption imposed by the crisis of Covid-19.

Mylène communicates her passion with frankness and humour. A passion that animated her as much during the preparation of her trip as during her crossing. It is this same passion that continues to push her to new horizons through all the possibilities that telework allows, despite the distance!

Wednesday (7 p.m.):
Capt Jackie Luis

Chinook Pilot, 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron

A journey from Air Cadets, to the Royal Military College, to becoming the first female CH-147F pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Thursday (1 p.m.):
Frédéric Dion


Frédéric Dion is off on a crazy adventure – crossing Antarctica across the south pole of inaccessibility and the geographical South Pole. Using the wind to travel on skis pulled by a kite, the adventurer quickly learned that is ally will also be his worst enemy. Blizzards, sled breakdowns, fire in the tent…the problems were numerous throughout this extreme adventure. Fear and doubt required constant management to complete this dream adventure and set three speed records in the largest white desert on the planet.

Thursday (7 p.m.):
Capt Densmore

CF-18 Fighter Pilot, RCAF

Adrenaline seekers will enjoy this incursion in the world of speed and agility with Capt Densmore, a Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 fighter jet pilot !