I appreciate a lot the beauty of mathematical ideas and I love talking about mathematics.

Mathematics Festivals

Istanbul Mathematics Festival

In May 2019 , we organized a Mathematics Festival in İstanbul, Turkey which took place on May 4-5 with a group of 50 volunteers, and a big support from Prof. Meral Tosun. The event attracted around a thousand people, even from surrounding towns. You can read more about it at the festivals webpage.

USC Mathematics Festival

I started to organize a one-day celebration event dedicated to mathematics on USC campus, a Mathematics Festival, in 2015. You can read more about our 2016 Mathematics Festival on this Daily Trojan article, about our 2017 Mathematics Festival on this USC Dornsife article and about our 2018 Mathematics Festival on this Daily trojan article.


There is a youtube channel dear to my heart: Pythagoras run by the one and only Haluk Memili. He is doing an amazing job by providing high quality, reliable mathematics content. I also wanted to contribute my share: