
Candice DeBébé's Incredibly Trick Lifestyle

Aight? I'm Candice innit (that's me up in the photo, the biggest one as I am well important), and this is an Action RPG all about the incredibly trick lifestyle of me and my m8s!

So basically, I was going 2 get myself a new fake tan one day, when an evil singing sensation named Krystal turns up & startz causing havoc innit?!? Naturally I wasn't having that, and tried 2 stop her. Sadly I failed, and she stole my mate's tanning business.

All was lost. But then I remembered I have magical powers! I can shoot out magical bulletz in every direction, like some sort of human twin stick space ship or something! I used this knowledge to go on an adventure around the world to learn new magical powers, and ended up saving both the world and the tanning business!

I had loads of fun along the way, did a bit of rapping (I am a well good rapper tbh), made new friends and had a few romances as well!!! Basically it was a right laugh, and u can experience it all in my new action rpg!!!!

Candice DeBébé's Scandalous Secrets

Alrite? It iz me, Candice DeBébé, incredibly trick sorceress & rapper, back again 4 another scandalous adventure!

Da world in my sordid sequel mite be a bit flatter than u remember, but I'm still as buxom as ever. & with that flatness comes new abilities - I can jump & everything & it is sensational. And it iz nt just me this time either. Da world (& extended galaxy) iz in such tremendous danger, that I've teamed up wiv me mates, & u can play as all of uz & discover r riveting secretz. And Krystal too, even if she is a bit skanky.

So come & explore da world I hav painstakingly painted 4 u, & join me az I have romances in space, & a generally good bullety, jumpy, platformy, levelly-uppy time. & listen 2 my dulcet tonez as I rap and sing & talk thruout!

Candice DeBébé's Tantalising Tricks


In a galaxy on the brink of war, only the chosen one can save us all...

Join Candice, Krystal, and all of their friends and frenemies, on their turn-based trans-galactic RPG tryst through the tempests of time, across seven planets.

Boost your abilities as Candice with the Brandi Sisters' treatments, or steal them from your enemies as Krystal.

Win over friends and civilisations in this ticking timebomb to all-out destruction. Discover ancient, dark secrets, and unleash scandalous romances while hurtling through space itself.

Level up, and save us all from their greatest challenge yet!

...Cand3ce... a brand new me...