2016 Canaan Homecoming & 1941 Time Capsule Opening
2017 Canaan Homecoming * 2017 Time Capsule to be opened 2091
2018 Canaan Homecoming, Aug.5th
SCROLL all the way through to bottom for a lot of good Info. Photos and good Links.
History of Canaan, Church buildings
and misc. photos of Folks connected to Canaan
Download Entire Year Book and Directory of Canaan,Mount Ebal, Central Methodist Churches in.pdf 1940 Time Capsule open 2016
This Photo is the Canaan Time Capsule Monument that was laid in 1941 and was Rumored by Elder Canaan Family Folks over the years that documents and history was buried inside for future generations.The day has come by decision of Canaan folks to open the Time Capsule 75 yrs later at Canaan Homecoming Aug. 7th, 2016. View Photo Album of Homecoming and Opening of Time Capsule.
Also, Canaan folks have decided to put back Time Capsule Monument after opening it and place some of current and past documentation of the time now for future generations, will be open again 2091. view photos items here.... View list of items......
This Year Book below was taken out of 1940 Time Capsule that was 0pen in 2016.

Pastors of First & Canaan on record.
2023 Pastor Steve Roberts <> 2023 Pastor Mark Weekley [ Sept.-Nov ] <> 2023- Rev. Sam Lewis [July-Sept.] <> 2022 - 2023 Russell Brownworth <> 2016 - Rev. Dr. Dennis Sheppard -- 2010- 2016—Tammy Talbert - 2007- 2009—Bill Foust - 2005 - 2006—Stan Champion - 1999- 2004—Dan Money 1998—JH Varner -- 1997—Ann Musselman - 1994 - 1996—Gary McLain - 1988 - 1993—Jack Stratas - 1984 - 1987 Gary W Leonard - 1981 - 1983 Chip Webb 1977 - 1980—Joseph Green - 1975- 1976—JE Cloer - 1974- JC Reynolds ----Rev. Yokley 1969 -- 1950 Rev. Oakley, first Preacher that lived in New Parsonage. 1940,s Reverend G.W.Vick - 1949 Reverend M.C. Ellerbe
Canaan pastors on record 1898-1940
late 1940s Reverend G.W.Vick started new church building - new church finished while Reverend M.C. Ellerbe was pastor - early 1940s Reverend Ralph Jacks G. O Curry 1938-40....? - T.G. Bowman 1934-37 - Robert Short 1931-33 - E.A. Bingham 1928-30 -
M.C. Henderson 1927 - J.Elwood Caroll and J.T.Madison [jointly] 1926 - O.C. Loy 1925 - Joel Trogdon 1921-24 - D.A. Highfill 1920 - B.M. Williams, H.L. Isley 1919 - D.M. Loy 1917-18 - D.A. Braswell 1916 - Joel Trogdon 1911-15 - T.A. Pyler 1909-10 - W.J. Hackney 1908 - J.W.. Self 1907 - C.H. Hill 1906 - J.W.. Self 1905 - Edward Suits 1903 - J.G.W. Holloway 1902 - E.A. Pliler 1901 - I.I. York 1900 - T.F. McCulloch 1899 - W.O. Davis was Pastor in 1898 and probably organized the Church. This Info 1898-1939 furnished by 1940 Canaan Directory that was in Time Capsule at canaan and open in 2016.
Youth making a difference for Christ https://www.facebook.com/Ymad4C/
NEW-2018 Canaan Homecoming YouTube Music Worship with Larry Chason
2018 Canaan UMC Homecoming, Aug.5th Photo Album on Google
Canaan Misc. Videos from 2007 to present on YouTube
Some Videos are posted on Facebook that might not be on YouTube, Click Here for Facebook Videos
2016 Good Friday Crosswalk from First to Harrisonpark Photo Album Video of Crosswalk 2015 Canaan UMC Homecoming, Aug.2, 2015 Photo Album
Youth Newsletter, April 2015 Issue
April 3rd. 2015 -Good Friday Crosswalk Photo Album here...........
2014 Homecoming Photo Album - Speaker Danny Money at Homecoming 2014 Listen Here..
Photo Album Canaan Homecoming Sunday Aug.4th, 2013 - Homecoming at Canaan Denton NC, 2013 Message by Jeff Rudd
Story Time with Children at Canaan Homecoming by Pastor Tammy Talbert ~ YouTube Video
Below are some live links to old outdated Canaan web but does some scrolling photos.
Canaan Youth Pizza / Bowling / Jan. 29, 2006 ~ Click Here
Recommittal Service Feb 19, 2006 @ Central Denton NC - Click Here
Canaan Family Album Photos 2005-2006 ~ Click Here
2005 Youth Christmas Program,Cookie Fest,Christmas Cantata and Christmas Day
Eric Garner and Trisha Stanley Married on Sat. Dec 31, 2005 at Fairgrove UMC by Stan Champion, Denton, NC ~ Photos Click Here
Trike/Bike-A-Thon June 24,2004 Denton,NC for St. Jude Hosp. - Canaan Out Reach @ Tour de Kale 2003/2004 photos - Click Here
Fishing Tournament at Canaan may 23 2004 - Mt. Shepherd Picnic May 16,2004-Canaan & First ~ Click Here
2004 Youth Easter Egg Hunt photos at Canaan - Denton NC * Click Here
****** year 2003 ******
Youth @ Canaan , Shoe Box Shopping for Christmas 2003 * Click Here
Youth Hotdog Supper and Hayride 10/25/03 * Click Here
Nursery and Youth Photos at Canaan, some of God's Miracles * Click Here
Pancake Supper, Aug 2003 * OutReach Fundraiser @ Canaan * Click Here
Homecoming @ Canaan * Aug 3rd ,2003 * Click Here
Asheboro Zoo photo by Tammy, July 2003 with the Youth * Click Here
Dan Nicholas Park photo slide show* Service & Picnic fellowship / JUNE 2003 * CLICK HERE
Wonderful Wed.-focusing on God's creations with the youth @ Canaan * Click Here
Canaan Out Reach @ Tour de Kale 2003-TDK raised apprx. $50,000.00 for Raleigh Ward family & Neal Morris * Click Here
Conference at Lake Junaluska *June 2003 photos/Dan Money commissioned by bishop & more *CLICK HERE
Fathers Day CookOut @ the Lake Photos 2003 * Click Here
Dan Money Graduates from Duke 2003 * Photos Click Here
Men/Women Outreach Ministry Spring Fling In Denton,NC * 2003 Photos * Click Here
Youth Worship Service / Mother Day Photos 2003 * Click Here
UMM Ministry Fishing Tournament May 4, 2003 PHOTOS * CLICK Here
Easter Photos 2003 @ Canaan * Click Here
About Canaan * Click Here >< Free in Christ Ministry by Jeff Rudd
2010 First and Canaan Methodist Church Directory.pdf
Canaan Voted to disaffiliate from United Methodist and Join the Global Methodist in 2023
Petition: Disaffiliation of Canaan United Methodist Church (Denton)(Uwharrie District)
By: Trustees of Canaan United Methodist Church (Denton)(Uwharrie District)
Whereas, by near unanimous consent the congregation of the Canaan United Methodist Church has expressed disagreement with the results of the 2019 special session of the UMC General Conference regarding the adoption of the "traditional plan" as presented; and Whereas, the Canaan United Methodist Church believes the "traditional plan" as approved does not sufficiently address the lack of accountability for Bishops and Clergy who openly disobey the Book of Discipline; and Whereas, the Canaan United Methodist Church does not agree with the passage o f petitions at the 2019 session of The Western North Carolina Conference, one of which presented the tenets of UMC Next which rejects the "traditional plan", and another petition which stated the annual conference's strong disagreement with and condemnation of the traditional plan; and Whereas, the General Conference did provide a disaffiliation process for congregations that disagree with the actions of the United Methodist Church and its language regarding human sexuality and accountability to the church; Therefore, be it resolved that the Canaan United Methodist Church, with a more than two thirds vote of members at a special called church conference has voted to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church per Book of Discipline per paragraph 2553; and Be it resolved that Board of Trustees and Disaffiliation Committee of Canaan UMC be given the authority to negotiate and enter into a formal disaffiliation agreement with the Conference Trustees and execute all deeds, contracts, instruments, etc. needed to carry it out; and Be it resolved that said formal disaffiliation agreement will be placed on the agenda of the November 4, 2023 meeting of the Western North Carolina Annual Conference and ask that the conference respect and affirm the desire of the Canaan UMC congregation to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church.
WNCC umc Special Called Session Nov 4th- Results
Why Canaan and Denton First Church left UMC and Joined GMC
Why I left the UMC & how it went down, Rev. Daniel Hixon
OLD Web- URL Canaan: https://tinyurl.com/canaanchurchdenton