My question is if I buy cloud space -it tells me to upload info I need about 20gb of space to upload all the info. S that means I need to spend about 40bucks on more space just to upload my free game (and some pictures). So I'm alright spending the money BUT my question is-- if I buy the space and do an upload for the sims, will it load the progress that I'm at currently? Here's the dilemma; about a week ago, I was just making everyone go ice skating when it froze, so I gave it a minute....then another....then I went to another app and came back to it....then I shut down the app and started it back up and still frozen although when I went back to it, it stayed frozen and continues to stay frozen on the Sims loading screen...the blue one in the beginning. When I turn it on, I get the little tip for the day, and I hear the music start up and then change as if its about to turn the screen over so I can see my Sims but it just stays there" I am so upset about this!!! I know it's just a silly game but I have invested sooo much time and care into these guys and they are like my friends! Plus I'll never be able to get two story houses again or woodworking coins for elevators and all the other updates that just makes me want to cry

I found something that worked for me. If you put your phone on airplane mode, then try and load the game, it will say that the game cannot be loaded, and it will ask you if you want to retry to reload your game. Take your phone off of airplane mode, and tap "retry" on the sims game, and it should load normally.

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Hi @joegrant413 . Most amp sims are just that, math models of the circuits of the modeled units. This goes back to Amplitube and Amp ONE. Some of them, like Nembrini, are very good. But an alternative is the Rigs offered in Overloud THU. These are based on sampling the response of actual amps and fx, and building a nonlinear model to reflect these responses. Another big factor in actual amp sound is the cabinet, and a carefully selected cab IR is probably the best way to nail that. Check out the long thread on Overloud THU for a lot more info.

Honestly in either situation you will be happy with iOS amp sims. Just keep the IRs in there. As many have said, Overloud Rigs and Nembrini chains are it! Just a matter of cutting out as much latency as possible, though I have not had a problem with either and iPhone 8 Plus or iPad 2018 (6th gen).

I totally agree that being in the room playing the guitar driving a Deluxe Reverb to breakup or playing a large cab with a Marshall is at a level of glorious experience you can't get with iOS sims going into a PA system or whatever.

I don't think it is the case that better amp sims are a joke compared to real tube amps if you think of the recorded sound. I think people often are comparing an amp sim coming through monitors or headphones to the experience of sitting in a room next to a tube amp -- rather than listening to that tube amp captured through a mic -- which is VERY different.

@espiegel123 said:

I don't think it is the case that better amp sims are a joke compared to real tube amps if you think of the recorded sound. I think people often are comparing an amp sim coming through monitors or headphones to the experience of sitting in a room next to a tube amp -- rather than listening to that tube amp captured through a mic -- which is VERY different.

We did an EP where we recorded guitars from a Fender blues deluxe drivet at proper volume, and recorded with both close mics (SM57) and a Neumann U47, using Neve preamps... all good and well. Sounded great in the room.... but the recordings never really worked in the context of the song (glossy synth pop). I think we wound have gotten much better result of recording with DI and using ampsims (either hardware, IOS or VST). Recording amps is a diffucult task, with both mic placement, mic choises, room characteristics etc etc.

First you wait until you are in the tenth level then you get the option to marry the two sims. Next you buy a bed for the baby. All you have to do is just click on the bed and your sims will try for a baby. Thanks this was written by DahliaJohnson

Well first gather your sims in a house. Make them inspired, then let them plant (all of them) [i would recommend a higher payback, like beans] then close the app, double press the home button then press and hold the game icon, then when the red minus sign is out, press it. Go to your settings, remove the set automatically, then set the date to year 2011

Second make sure your sims have the highest relationship possible(I think it's partner) and I know it completely sucks but you have to wait until you receive the task to make your sims get married. Until you receive the task you WILL NOT have the option to get married. So it's very important to complete your task because then the sooner the marriage task will come. Don't get discouraged it will eventually come(I believe I was on level 16 or 17 before it finally came)..

First, make sure your sims freeplay is off (double click home button, hold down app and tap minus), then go into settings > general > time&date > turn off automatic > then change to Dec 26 2013, then click home screen and open sims. Free Money but then go back to settings and turn automatic back on, then go back into sims, let it load completely. Then repeat cheat!! Should work!

1.Get all your sims that are not doing any thing into one house. 2. Count the amount of sims there is, and get that much gardening patches and make them all garden the most expensive one (depending on level) 3. Go off the app and go into settings. General. Date and time. And set the date to December the 19th 2013(if it's already 2013 keep it like that) double click the home button and hold the sims and click the minus sign. Go back on and ta the all your sims have finished.

*note* I also did it when my mailbox showed a daily $$ drop off. I collected 7k, did the cheat, collect 7k again plus 15k on my ipad2. I managed this loop 3 or 4 times before the cash in the mailbox stopped showing up. Works good for assigning lots of high XP tasks and once the cheat is done you get the completed XP. Have fun and..

Make your sims plant anything.Plant beans for more money.Go out of the app double tap the home button and press the sims icon long and press the red minus.Then go to settings to general and press set date and time.Change the year to 2011 since this year is 2012.Go back to your sims game until it loads.Go out of the app again and double tap the home button and press the red minus to turn it off.Go to settings again and change the year back to 2012.Go to your sims and collect your beans and xp.Your sims will still be planting but it shows 100% so,double tap the home button and hold long on the icon and press the red minus.Your sims will be normal.

Hi everyone, I found out that when you have a sim out in a neighbors town, your sim count goes down by one, making it possible to create a new sim regardless of your sim level cap. I'm level 30 with 18 sims.

NOTE: you will notice you will have to wait extra levels to get your next sim created...not true, just put one of your sims at a neighbors town and then you'll still be able to create another sim. Hope this helps, having an extra sim will bring you a bit more money. Good luck.

Go to your first Sim's house and call over all of the sims. You must have garden patches for all of them, if not, most of them. You can move other garden patches from other houses to that house. Make them grow a crop such as onions (10 hours and $800). Exit out of the Sims Freeplay and go to settings, general, date & time and change "set automatically" to OFF. Click "Set Date & Time" and change the year to 1970. Double click the home button and close Sims Freeplay (tap the X). Open Sims Freeplay. After it has loaded exit it again and close it. Go back to setting and change "Set Automatically" to ON this time.

Cheat time! So while I was collecting my revenue (XP and simolieons off the map) I accidentaly tapped twice on the money. Surprisingly, it game me 2x the money! So the little 5 came up, then it came up again! If you tap your money/XP up to 3 time, you get more! Sometimes this dosent work, and you go into the sims house

Basically, it's pretty clear that no one actually plays this game at night, so basically, I got all my sims to plant garden patchs, with the most paying ones but with the latest amount of time needed, (I.e onions and beans are really good)so I get my rest and my sims are working their asses off, and when I check out the app later on ..

My bar is maxed out my sims are partners they were living together but I moved him out hoping I could marry them faster. I'm on level 15 and keep choosing "be romantic" but I don't get the propose or buy a ring option. I'm getting discouraged. I have a iPhone

Okay so here's how you get money fast, first, type in freesavingsdiscountcard/ then click a card and click purchase card. It's free so just purchase a card and then go on the sims and buy the amount you want and then just click buy or purchase and voila! You just got free stuff.

Okay, first look up *discountsavingcards/sims*. Next, go to the sims and find what you want(sorry it can't be a package just Simoleons and Life points,sorry). Then, type in the amount you want in the box, and click $ or LP. Finally, it automatically connects so don't worry about email, the moment you've been waiting for, you get the card and go to the sims,click on the exact amount you wanted in the small box and then buy it! It'll say *discount savings card was connected* then click buy and voila! ENJOY FREE SIMOLEONS AND LIFE POINTS PEEPS 2351a5e196

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