I started downloading the Unreal Engine, and after about 7GBs of downloading, I had to restart my PC. After the restart, it says the Directory must be empty, so it cannot be resumed. This also happened earlier and I deleted those previous ones and started again. But, I think I need a solution as I have limited bandwidth to deal

Another way to pause the Unreal Engine download is pause as usual but put your computer to sleep (not shutdown / turn off). Whenever you wake the computer, you can resume the download from where you have left off.

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Tuesday's air travel woes come after another technical glitch caused an epic travel nightmare for thousands upon thousands of travelers across the U.S. over the holiday season. About 70% of scheduled flights were affected in that case. The days-long debacle was the subject of federal hearings and ongoing regulatory inquiry.

The Department of Veterans Affairs said it plans to resume work on its rollout of its $16 billion Cerner EHR system in the summer of 2024, after halting the rollout to additional facilities in April due to ongoing problems with the system.

Crystal is restarting operations under new owners after collapsing along with its former parent company Genting Hong Kong in early 2022. The collapse came after revenues plummeted due to COVID-19 pandemic-related shutdowns.

The period drama landed at HBO after NBC initially ordered it to series. Coming from the Downton Abbey team of Fellowes, producer Gareth Neame and director Michael Engler, the show is an epic drama that follows the millionaire titans of New York City in the 1880s.

I've noticed that the same issue happens when I wake up from sleep. Restart solves it again, but waking up from sleep and after shutdown causes the issue every time. I tried disabling Hybrid Sleep in power options and it's still the same.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Up against a deadline, Congress passed and sent a waiting President Barack Obama legislation late Wednesday night to avoid a threatened national default and end the 16-day partial government shutdown, the culmination of an epic political drama that placed the U.S. economy at risk.


The Senate voted first, a bipartisan 81-18 at midevening. That cleared the way for a final 285-144 vote in the Republican-controlled House about two hours later on the legislation, which hewed strictly to the terms Obama laid down when the twin crises erupted more than three weeks ago.


The legislation would permit the Treasury to borrow normally through Feb. 7 or perhaps a month longer, and fund the government through Jan. 15. More than 2 million federal workers would be paid -- those who had remained on the job and those who had been furloughed.


After the Senate approved the measure, Obama hailed the vote and said he would sign it immediately after it reached his desk. "We'll begin reopening our government immediately and we can begin to lift this cloud of uncertainty from our businesses and the American people."


Later, in the House, Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky., said, "After two long weeks, it is time to end this government shutdown. It's time to take the threat of default off the table. It's time to restore some sanity to this place."


The stock market surged higher at the prospect of an end to the crisis that also had threatened to shake confidence in the U.S. economy overseas


Republicans conceded defeat after a long struggle. "We fought the good fight. We just didn't win," conceded House Speaker John Boehner as lawmakers lined up to vote on a bill that includes nothing for GOP lawmakers who had demand to eradicate or scale back Obama's signature health care overhaul.


"The compromise we reached will provide our economy with the stability it desperately needs," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, declaring that the nation "came to the brink of disaster" before sealing an agreement.


Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, who negotiated the deal with Reid, emphasized that it preserved a round of spending cuts negotiated two years ago with Obama and Democrats. As a result, he said, "government spending has declined for two years in a row" for the first time since the Korean War. "And we're not going back on this agreement," he added.


Only a temporary truce, the measure set a time frame of early next winter for the next likely clash between Obama and the Republicans over spending and borrowing.


But for now, government was lurching back to life. In one example, officials met to discuss plans for gearing back up at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, where 307 employees remained at work during the partial shutdown and more than 8,000 were furloughed.


After weeks of gridlock, the measure had support from the White House, most if not all Democrats in Congress and many Republicans fearful of the economic impact of a default.


Boehner and the rest of the top GOP leadership told their rank and file in advance they would vote for the measure. In the end, Republicans split 144 against and 87 in favor. All 198 voting Democrats were supporters.


Final passage came in plenty of time to assure Obama's signature before the administration's 11:59 p.m. Thursday deadline.


That was when Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said the government would reach the current $16.7 trillion debt limit and could no longer borrow to meet its obligations.


Tea party-aligned lawmakers who triggered the shutdown that began on Oct. 1 said they would vote against the legislation. Significantly, though, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and others agreed not to use the Senate's cumbersome 18th-century rules to slow the bill's progress.


In remarks on the Senate floor, Cruz said the measure was "a terrible deal" and criticized fellow Republicans for lining up behind it.


McConnell made no mention of the polls showing that the shutdown and flirtation with default have sent Republicans' public approval plummeting and have left the party badly split nationally as well as in his home state of Kentucky. He received a prompt reminder, though.


 "When the stakes are highest Mitch McConnell can always be counted on to sell out conservatives," said Matt Bevin, who is challenging the party leader from the right in a 2014 election primary.


 More broadly, national tea party groups and their allies underscored the internal divide. The Club for Growth urged lawmakers to vote against the congressional measure, and said it would factor in the organization's decision when it decides which candidates to support in midterm elections next year.


"There are no significant changes to Obamacare, nothing on the other major entitlements that are racked with trillions in unfunded liabilities, and no meaningful spending cuts either. If this bill passes, Congress will kick the can down the road, yet again," the group said.


Even so, support for Boehner appeared solid inside his fractious rank and file. "There are no plots, plans or rumblings that I know of. And I was part of one in January, so I'd probably be on the whip list for that," said Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce came out in favor of the bill.


Simplicity at the end, there was next to nothing in the agreement beyond authorization for the Treasury to resume borrowing and funding for the government to reopen.


House and Senate negotiators are to meet this fall to see if progress is possible on a broad deficit-reduction compromise of the type that has proved elusive in the current era of divided government.


 Additionally, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is to be required to produce a report stating that her agency is capable of verifying the incomes of individuals who apply for federal subsidies under the health care law known as Obamacare.


 Obama had insisted repeatedly he would not pay "ransom" by yielding to Republican demands for significant changes to the health care overhaul in exchange for funding the government and permitting Treasury the borrowing latitude to pay the nation's bills.


Other issues fell by the wayside in a final deal, including a Republican proposal for the suspension of a medical device tax in Obamacare and a Democratic call to delay a fee on companies for everyone who receives health coverage under an employer-sponsored plan.


The gradual withering of Republicans' Obamacare-related demands defined the arc of the struggle that has occupied virtually all of Congress' time for the past three weeks.


 The shutdown began on Oct. 1 after Cruz and his tea party allies in the House demanded the defunding of the health care law as a trade for providing essential government funding.


Obama and Reid refused, then refused again and again as Boehner gradually scaled back Republican demands.


The shutdown initially idled about 800,000 workers, but that soon fell to about 350,000 after Congress agreed to let furloughed Pentagon employees return to work. While there was widespread inconvenience, the mail was delivered, Medicare continued to pay doctors who treated seniors and there was no interruption in Social Security benefits.


Still, national parks were closed to the detriment of tourists and local businesses, government research scientists were sent home and Food and Drug Administration inspectors worked only sporadically.


Associated Press writers Donna Cassata, Alan Fram, Andrew Taylor, Henry C. Jackson, Bradley Klapper, Laurie Kellman, Julie Pace and Jim Kuhnhenn contributed to this story.

Girl From the North Country - CLOSED JANUARY 23, 2022

Producers announced that this poetic evocation of life during the Great Depression set to Bob Dylan songs will resume performances at the Belasco Theatre on October 13, 2021. The musical was the last production to open on Broadway before the shutdown, on March 5, 2020. Most cast members are set to return, including Todd Almond, Robert Joy, Marc Kudisch, Luba Mason, Jay O. Sanders and Mare Winningham. Although the show announced it would close on January 23, 2022, producers hope to reopen it in the spring. e24fc04721

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