Lastly, the documentation says, " By default, the cluster bus port is set by adding 10000 to the data port (e.g., 16379); however, you can override this in the cluster-port config." How can I change the port of the cluster bus port of each master node?

For your questions about the cluster bus port, yes this will, by default, be 10000 greater than the port you choose. You can override this in your redis.conf by adding cluster-port on a new line. If you are running all nodes on different hosts, they can have the same cluster port, but if you are trying to run them all locally, you will need to make sure these are all different, otherwise Redis will fail to start.

Redis Cluster Download

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Every Redis Cluster node requires two open TCP connections: a Redis TCP port used to serve clients, e.g., 6379, and second port known as the cluster bus port.By default, the cluster bus port is set by adding 10000 to the data port (e.g., 16379); however, you can override this in the cluster-port configuration.

Cluster bus is a node-to-node communication channel that uses a binary protocol, which is more suited to exchanging information between nodes due tolittle bandwidth and processing time.Nodes use the cluster bus for failure detection, configuration updates, failover authorization, and so forth.Clients should never try to communicate with the cluster bus port, but rather use the Redis command port.However, make sure you open both ports in your firewall, otherwise Redis cluster nodes won't be able to communicate.

This makes it easy to add and remove cluster nodes. For example, ifI want to add a new node D, I need to move some hash slots from nodes A, B, Cto D. Similarly, if I want to remove node A from the cluster, I can justmove the hash slots served by A to B and C. Once node A is empty,I can remove it from the cluster completely.

However, when the cluster is created (or at a later time), we add a replicanode to every master, so that the final cluster is composed of A, B, Cthat are master nodes, and A1, B1, C1 that are replica nodes.This way, the system can continue if node B fails.

Z1 is still able to write to B, which will accept its writes. If thepartition heals in a very short time, the cluster will continue normally.However, if the partition lasts enough time for B1 to be promoted to masteron the majority side of the partition, the writes that Z1 has sent to Bin the meantime will be lost.

To enable cluster mode, set the cluster-enabled directive to yes.Every instance also contains the path of a file where theconfiguration for this node is stored, which by default is nodes.conf.This file is never touched by humans; it is simply generated at startupby the Redis Cluster instances, and updated every time it is needed.

Note that the minimal cluster that works as expected must containat least three master nodes. For deployment, we strongly recommenda six-node cluster, with three masters and three replicas.

Create a redis.conf file inside each of the directories, from 7000 to 7005.As a template for your configuration file just use the small example above,but make sure to replace the port number 7000 with the right port numberaccording to the directory name.

This ID will be used forever by this specific instance in order for the instanceto have a unique name in the context of the cluster. Every noderemembers every other node using this IDs, and not by IP or port.IP addresses and ports may change, but the unique node identifier will neverchange for all the life of the node. We call this identifier simply Node ID.

redis-cli will propose a configuration. Accept the proposed configuration by typing yes.The cluster will be configured and joined, which means that instances will bebootstrapped into talking with each other. Finally, if everything has gone well, you'll see a message like this:

Find the utils/create-cluster directory in the Redis distribution.There is a script called create-cluster inside (same name as the directoryit is contained into), it's a simple bash script. In order to starta 6 nodes cluster with 3 masters and 3 replicas just type the followingcommands:

The redis-cli cluster support is very basic, so it always uses the fact thatRedis Cluster nodes are able to redirect a client to the right node.A serious client is able to do better than that, and cache the map betweenhash slots and nodes addresses, to directly use the right connection to theright node. The map is refreshed only when something changed in the clusterconfiguration, for example after a failover or after the system administratorchanged the cluster layout by adding or removing nodes.

In this way we can run an example and at the same time try to make nodesfailing, or start a resharding, to see how Redis Cluster behaves under realworld conditions. It is not very helpful to see what happens while nobodyis writing to the cluster.

The program looks more complex than it should usually as it is designed toshow errors on the screen instead of exiting with an exception, so everyoperation performed with the cluster is wrapped by begin rescue blocks.

The startup nodes don't need to be all the nodes of the cluster. The importantthing is that at least one node is reachable. Also note that redis-rb-clusterupdates this list of startup nodes as soon as it is able to connect with thefirst node. You should expect such a behavior with any other serious client.

Note the sleep call at the end of the loop. In your tests you can removethe sleep if you want to write to the cluster as fast as possible (relativelyto the fact that this is a busy loop without real parallelism of course, soyou'll get the usually 10k ops/second in the best of the conditions).

Now we are ready to try a cluster resharding. To do this, pleasekeep the example.rb program running, so that you can see if there is someimpact on the program running. Also, you may want to comment the sleepcall to have some more serious write load during resharding.

Currently redis-cli is only able to reshard with the administrator support,you can't just say move 5% of slots from this node to the other one (butthis is pretty trivial to implement). So it starts with questions. The firstis how much of a resharding do you want to do:

Then redis-cli needs to know what is the target of the resharding, that is,the node that will receive the hash slots.I'll use the first master node, that is,, but I needto specify the Node ID of the instance. This was already printed in alist by redis-cli, but I can always find the ID of a node with the followingcommand if I need:

This allows to build some automatism if you are likely to reshard often,however currently there is no way for redis-cli to automaticallyrebalance the cluster checking the distribution of keys across the clusternodes and intelligently moving slots as needed. This feature will be addedin the future.

The --cluster-yes option instructs the cluster manager to automatically answer"yes" to the command's prompts, allowing it to run in a non-interactive mode.Note that this option can also be activated by setting theREDISCLI_CLUSTER_YES environment variable.

So in the redis-rb-cluster repository, there is a more interesting applicationthat is called consistency-test.rb. It uses a set of counters, by default 1000, and sends INCR commands in order to increment the counters.

What this means is that this application is a simple consistency checker,and is able to tell you if the cluster lost some write, or if it accepteda write that we did not receive acknowledgment for. In the first case we'llsee a counter having a value that is smaller than the one we remember, whilein the second case the value will be greater.

As you can see during the failover the system was not able to accept 578 reads and 577 writes, however no inconsistency was created in the database. This maysound unexpected as in the first part of this tutorial we stated that RedisCluster can lose writes during the failover because it uses asynchronousreplication. What we did not say is that this is not very likely to happenbecause Redis sends the reply to the client, and the commands to replicateto the replicas, about at the same time, so there is a very small window tolose data. However the fact that it is hard to trigger does not mean that itis impossible, so this does not change the consistency guarantees providedby Redis cluster.

To promote a replica to master, it must first be known as a replica by a majority of the masters in the cluster.Otherwise, it cannot win the failover election.If the replica has just been added to the cluster (see Add a new node as a replica), you may need to wait a while before sending the CLUSTER FAILOVER command, to make sure the masters in cluster are aware of the new replica.

In practical terms redis-cli here did very little to help us, it justsent a CLUSTER MEET message to the node, something that is also possibleto accomplish manually. However redis-cli also checks the state of thecluster before to operate, so it is a good idea to perform cluster operationsalways via redis-cli even when you know how the internals work.

Note that since this node is already connected to the cluster it is alreadyable to redirect client queries correctly and is generally speaking part ofthe cluster. However it has two peculiarities compared to the other masters:

Now it is possible to assign hash slots to this node using the reshardingfeature of redis-cli.It is basically useless to show this as we alreadydid in a previous section, there is no difference, it is just a reshardinghaving as a target the empty node.

Note that the command line here is exactly like the one we used to adda new master, so we are not specifying to which master we want to addthe replica. In this case, what happens is that redis-cli will add the newnode as replica of a random master among the masters with fewer replicas.

That's it. Now we have a new replica for this set of hash slots, and allthe other nodes in the cluster already know (after a few seconds needed toupdate their config). We can verify with the following command: e24fc04721

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