I had the same problem. I was using just a random USB cable and found my Mac wouldn't recognize the kindle. When I dug out the USB cable that shipped with the Kindle, everything worked fine. So, evidently, not all micro-USB cables are the same...

one last question...when i open a folder, whether its in the kindle window on my imac or the kindle it self, I do not see a preview of photos or doc...I see only the icon. Without preview I have to open each to find the file im looking for. Is there a setting I can change?

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If I try to eject it then it deletes the entire Kindle app and I have to reinstall it. Then I am stuck with this silver Kindle pad thing on my desktop again. It doesn't show up if you pull up the files listed for my desktop in "finder" but it sits there on my screen. How do I get rid of this thing? I am shocked that there is nothing on the internet that I can find about this? I see a lot of people complaining about kindle DRM files. Is this related to that?

I did that. That's my point. It does not let you delate only the installer. This is why I am on a support chat. If I delete the installer it deletes the app and I have to download all over again. This is not normal. I guess it's the dmg installer files but unlike installing other items where you open it then drag the icon to the applications folder. Once the application is installed I can open kindle but the dmg "container" stays on my desktop along with the applications folder. It also does not let me move it anywhere. As soon as I eject it, like you normally would, then it deletes ALL the kindle files and I no longer can open the app in applications. It's as if, instead of just ejecting it and then continuing to run the app, it completely uninstalls it. Then I have to go into applications and open the dmg files again then run the installation all over again and agree to "download from the internet". Then I'm stuck with the silver shipping container files dmg thing on my desktop again. I can then open and run kindle ONLY if it stays on my desktop. If I eject it again then I will have to redownload from the internet again.

I do understand how apps and basic installations work. MacBooks are simple and I have installed dozens of other applications that don't do this. I can follow basic installation instructions. This is not the issue. This one is behaving weird and it will need to be answered by someone that understands more about how files are installed, and perhaps specific knowledge about kindle installation on a MacBook. My question is why is this one acting different and how can I run kindle without having to keep the installation file packet on my desktop.

Unfortunately, it appears that in this new version of Kindle Mac app, Amazon has stopped supporting its URL scheme (kindle://book) . We do not currently see a work-around. The links that Hookmark created with the app have the title and location number, which one can use manually of course to get to the right book and location within it. Not nearly as convenient as just clicking on a link, of course.

Step 2. To transfer files to Kindle device, you can drag content to the kindle. For more ways to transfer kindle file to Mac, please read 3 Best Ways to Send Books to Kindle from Mac.

Step 3. To disconnect kindle to Mac, just right click the Kindle icon, and then choose "Eject Kindle". After disconnected kindle from your Mac, its icon will not showing on your Mac desktop anymore.

Kindle seems to require specific cables for data transfer. Sometimes, the cable you use maybe enough to charge the device, but not for it to appear in Finder. That's why you need to use the original kindle usb cable because it is data cable.

I'm using some specialty software (Circular FLO) that requires use of the "kindlepreviewer" command in terminal, and any time it tries to do so, or if I try to do so myself, including "kindlepreviewer -help", it returns "command not found"

Somehow my usr/local/bin folder didn't exist at ALL on my work computer (not sure how IT set it up, but my personal computer had the folder and kindlepreviewer was in it after an install of Kindle Previewer 3). Manually creating a bin folder and doing an uninstall/reinstall of Kindle Previewer 3 created the command in the folder. 006ab0faaa

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