If the server fails to shut down properly, sometimes it leaves dangling lockfiles. This can cause startup to fail and produce the "Failed to parse remote port from server output" error message. In this case the solution is to simply to delete the lockfiles:

I fixed the issue. It appears I had two other server agents running incorrectly. I killed both server agents using kill (PID) and removed the ".vscode_remote" directory from the user home directory. Then I reinitialized remote-ssh from Visual Studio Code. Successfully connected!

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I had the same issue because Visual Studio Code was looking for my .vscode-server directory in the wrong location (it was in a custom location due to restrictions on where files can be saved). This can be fixed by using How to change vscode-server directory. Specifically, add

In my case, it wasn't working because of the server asking for a new password when starting a session. I opened a new default terminal (not the Visual Studio Code terminal, but your OS default terminal, like Z shell, CMD, and so on). And I used the ssh command to log in. I logged in successfully and changed the password. Then I tried connecting with the new password and it worked, because the server didn't asked for a password change now.

An alternative way to follow this solution is to use the uninstaller of remote-ssh extension. First, use [Ctrl + P] and type [> remote-ssh uninstall]. Then, selecte the uninstall option and choose the server where this error occurred. The relevant lockfile will be automatically deleted. If there is a permission error in the VSCODE [output] window, you can use sudo permission to remotely delete this file through ssh.

I just taught a class of ~20 students, and 1 out of 20 of them was having this same problem. He was using Chrome, and eventually we saw this thread and he tried again on another browser, but it does seem to be a server error that is limited to a particular user account. I'm happy to send along the file(s) we were trying to upload, but the other 19 students had no problem, on a range of browsers and OSs.

will only add rules for Samba acting as a server. It will not add any rules for Samba acting as a client. But when you try to mount a remote share, that's what you are doing: in this scenario your machine is a client, and the remote machine is a server.

The rules that allow Samba to act as a server are not sufficient to also allow Samba to act as a client, because the remote machines respond from their own port 137, but the local port on which these responses arrive is not 137, it is some random port.

This will allow UDP packets to arrive into any local port as long as they are originating from port 137 or 138 of the remote computer. The port 138 is probably not necessary, as I have only seen packets arriving from 137, but you never know.

My problem was due to /etc/samba/smb.conf. Searched for WORKGROUP and deleted the line after it which mentioned a localhost name. Make sure the WORKGROUP is the same for both config files on each machine. An all round way is to sudo apt-get purge samba (and/or remove ?) and then sudo apt-get install samba. This is how I solve the problem the first time round, after upgrading from 16.10 to 17.04 on one of my machines (16.10 was buggy for me). I have two machines now: 16.04 and 17.04.

I still couldn't search the server name. Then I thought wait, the computer name & samba name are different. So I edited hosts & hostname, changing them to the samba server's name. Careful hostname only has one word in it. The computer name no # comments.

Even with successful communication between User's source IP and Dst IP, we are seeing tcp-rst-from-client , which is raising some queries for me personally. Are both these reasons are normal , If not, then how to distinguish whether this reason is due to some communication problem.

@Jimmy20, Normally these are the session end reasons. Now depending on the type like TCP-RST-FROM-CLIENT or TCP-RST-FROM-SERVER, it tells you who is sending TCP reset and session gets terminated. It does not mean that firewall is blocking the traffic. It means session got created between client-to-server but it got terminated from any of the end (client or server) and depending on who sent the TCP reset, you will see session end result under traffic logs. And once the session is terminated, it is getting reestablish with new traffic request and thats why not seeing as such problems with the traffic flow.

Thanks for reply, What you replied is known to me. But i was searching for - '"Can we consider communication between source and dest if session end reason is TCP-RST-FROM-CLIENT or TCS-RST-FROM-SERVER , boz as i mentioned in initial post i can see TCP-RST-FROM-CLIENT for a succesful transaction even, However it shuld be '"tcp-fin" or something except TCP-RST-FROM-CLIENT. if it is reseted by client or server why it is considered as sucessfull.

TCP RST flag may be sent by either of the end (client/server) because of fatal error. So if you take example of TCP RST flag, client trying to connect server on port which is unavailable at that moment on the server.

Now in case, for a moment particular server went unavailable then RST will happen and user even don't know about this situation and initiated new request again And at that time may be that server became available and after that connection was successful. So In this case, if you compare sessions, you will find RST for first session and 2nd should be TCP-FIN. So like this, there are multiple situations where you will see such logs.

Does anyone really have a solution for this? So far, I have not seen any concrete solution. I put a device that communicates with an online server with no problem. I insert the PA FW between that line of traffic, all of a sudden, we get tcp-rst from the server or vice-versa. What causes the problem and do we solve it is what everyone is seeking as a guide or repsonse. I think most technical people understand how tcp works.

Server Actions are asynchronous functions that are executed on the server. They can be used in Server and Client Components to handle form submissions and data mutations in Next.js applications.

A Server Action can be defined with the React "use server" directive. You can place the directive at the top of an async function to mark the function as a Server Action, or at the top of a separate file to mark all exports of that file as Server Actions.

To call a Server Action in a Client Component, create a new file and add the "use server" directive at the top of it. All functions within the file will be marked as Server Actions that can be reused in both Client and Server Components:

This is useful in cases where you want to call multiple server actions within a form. For example, you can create a specific element for saving a post draft in addition to publishing it. See the React docs for more information.

To improve the user experience, we recommend using other React APIs like useOptimistic and useTransition to update the UI before the Server Action finishes executing on the server, or to show a pending state.

You can use the React useEffect hook to invoke a Server Action when the component mounts or a dependency changes. This is useful for mutations that depend on global events or need to be triggered automatically. For example, onKeyDown for app shortcuts, an intersection observer hook for infinite scrolling, or when the component mounts to update a view count:

However, for this to happen, the captured variables are sent to the client and back to the server when the action is invoked. To prevent sensitive data from being exposed to the client, Next.js automatically encrypts the closed-over variables. A new private key is generated for each action every time a Next.js application is built. This means actions can only be invoked for a specific build.

Good to know: We don't recommend relying on encryption alone to prevent sensitive values from being exposed on the client. Instead, you should use the React taint APIs to proactively prevent specific data from being sent to the client.

To mitigate this, you can overwrite the encryption key using the process.env.NEXT_SERVER_ACTIONS_ENCRYPTION_KEY environment variable. Specifying this variable ensures that your encryption keys are persistent across builds, and all server instances use the same key.

For large applications that use reverse proxies or multi-layered backend architectures (where the server API differs from the production domain), it's recommended to use the configuration option serverActions.allowedOrigins option to specify a list of safe origins. The option accepts an array of strings.

I want to know how to proceed in troubleshooting why a curl request to a webserver doesn't work. I'm not looking for help that would be dependent upon my environment, I just want to know how to collect information about exactly what part of the communication is failing, port numbers, etc.

You likely will need to troubleshoot this from the server side, not the client side. I believe you are confusing an 'empty response' with 'no response'. They do not mean the same thing. Likely you are getting a reply that does not contain any data.

One possible reason you are getting an empty reply is that you're trying to hit a website that is a name-based virtual host. If that's the case, depending on server configuration (the site you're trying to hit happens to be configured as the default) you cannot reach the site by IP address without a little bit of work.

Curl is fine, but doesnt give much feedback when things go wrong. (As you can tell) wget may give you more information, but as yoonix mentions, Server side (ie webserver error logs) is the place to look.

Okay, so I transfered whole "The Pokmon Company International" folder from my girlfriends PC to USB stick (because game launches normally on her PC), transfered it to installation folder on my PC in Local Disk C - Users - "User" -> (where it goes by default) and it still didn't work. e24fc04721

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