Use google document for resume
Go to:
Under SIGN IN, choose STUDENTS & FAMILIES, enter the zip code for your high school, then click on your high school name below.
To log in: On the Naviance home page, click the LOGIN WITH CLEVER button to login using your student Google auhsdschools email address.
If you are using Safari as your browser and are experiencing some problems in Naviance (such as deleting a college from your list), try using the Chrome browser instead.
Use google document for resume
Students will be introduced to Naviance during their Freshman year.
Under the ABOUT ME section, complete the following:
PROFILE: Edit this information if necessary and add your parents’ information, including email addresses.
RESUME: Begin building a resume to keep track of your extracurricular activities, leadership roles, summer jobs, achievements, and awards. You will update this all four years and use it for college applications. (It’s too difficult during Senior year to remember it all.) If you apply to a college requiring a letter of recommendation, your counselor will require your resume.
LEARNING STYLE INVENTORY: Complete this section and be careful not to use “no preference.” Try to pick a choice that best matches your preferences. Be consistent in your answers. Share the results with your parents and teachers.
PERSONAL ASSESSMENT TOOLS: Under the ABOUT ME section, use the online personal assessment tools such as the Strengths Explorer and MI Advantage to better understand yourself.
RESUME: Build or update your resume. (If you apply to a college requiring a letter of recommendation, your counselor will require your resume.) NEW PLATFORM COMING IN APRIL -Use google document for resume
EXPLORE COLLEGES: Research colleges that may meet your career plans. Add them to the “Colleges I’m thinking about” list. Use the SuperMatch and Scattergrams features to find schools that may be a fit for you.
COLLEGES I'M THINKING ABOUT LIST: Build your college list throughout the year. Include at least 2 "safety" schools that you can get into academically and your family can afford financially. Use the SuperMatch and Scattergram features to research colleges.
COLLEGE VISITS ON CAMPUS: Sign up on Naviance, then pick up a pass in the College & Career Center. To sign up, under the COLLEGES tab, click "colleges I'm thinking about", then click "college visits". Do this Sep-Nov.
COLLEGES I'M APPLYING TO LIST: Narrow down your college list to colleges you will actually be applying to. Move your colleges from the COLLEGES I'M THINKING ABOUT list to the COLLEGES I'M APPLYING TO list. Try to have 5-10 colleges in your list, including 1-2 safety schools, 5-6 match schools, 1-2 reach schools (or 1-2 more match schools if you do not want to apply to reach schools.)
STUDENT STATEMENT: Complete this section so that Counselors can use it to write a Counselor Report. (Naviance can time-out while you are entering your information, so write your statement in a word processing app and copy/paste the data into Naviance.) This can be found under the ABOUT ME section under SURVEYS. Do this by September.
PARENT BRAG SHEET: Parents complete this section so that Counselors can use it to write a Counselor Report. (Naviance can time-out while you are entering your information, so write your statement in a word processing app and copy/paste the data into Naviance.) This can be found under the ABOUT ME section under SURVEYS. Do this by September.
TEACHER RECOMMENDATION SURVEYS: Requesting a letter of recommendation is a 3-step process. First, if you did not request this from a teacher in the spring of Junior year, then request from a teacher in person as soon as possible. Secondly, complete the TEACHER RECOMMENDATION SURVEY so that teachers can use this information to write a meaningful Letter of Recommendation. Naviance can time-out while you are entering your information, so write your statement in a word processing app and copy/paste the data into Naviance. This can be found under the ABOUT ME section under SURVEYS. Do this by September. See below for the 3rd step.
ENTER TEACHER NAME IN LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION QUEUE: This is the third and final step. Once you have confirmed with a teacher, in person, that they agree to write a letter of recommendation, then add the name of the teacher in Naviance so your request is in the queue and can be managed. To do this, go to bottom of the COLLEGES I'M APPLYING TO page and click on the "letters of recommendation" link at the very bottom. Do this by mid-September.
RESUME: Complete this form so that counselors can use it for their Counselor Report. It can be included with college applications where needed. This can be found under the ABOUT ME section under SURVEYS. Do this by September.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Research scholarships on Naviance and find more information on the Financial Aid & Scholarships page.
COLLEGE LIST: Move "Colleges I'm Thinking About" to "Colleges I'm Applying To". Do this by end of September. Try to have 5-10 colleges in your list, including 1-2 safety schools, 5-6 match schools, 1-2 reach schools (or 1-2 more match schools if you do not want to apply to reach schools.) More on building a college list here.
If a Letter of Recommendation is needed for your schools, and be sure to complete the following tasks now.f the following tasks were not completed over the summer, complete them now. For more information about these, see SUMMER BEFORE SENIOR YEAR above. Do these by end of September.
FERPA WAIVER: This is technically not in Naviance, but is required to continue the process in the next step. If you are applying to Common App schools (ie: private colleges), sign the release authorization so that your academic information can be sent to your colleges. To do this, create an account on; click the "College Search" tab and enter one or more colleges; click on the "My Colleges" tab; on the left hand menu, click "Recommenders and FERPA"; Under "FERPA Release Authorization", click "Release Authorization" and follow the instructions to "waive your rights". Do this by the end of September.
MATCH: Do Common App matching in Naviance if applying to Common App schools. To do this, create a Common App account and add your colleges. Complete the information through the "education" section. Go into the COLLEGES I'M APPLYING TO section of Naviance, and click "Common App Matching". Do this by the end of September.
TRANSCRIPTS: Note: Use the Webstore (not Naviance) to request transcripts for colleges that require them. (Note: No transcripts are needed for UCs or CSUs.) Do this by early October.
COLLEGE VISITS ON CAMPUS: Sign up on Naviance, then pick up a pass in the College & Career Center. To sign up, under the COLLEGES tab, click "colleges I'm thinking about", then click "college visits". Do this Sep-Nov.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Research scholarships on Naviance and find more information on the Financial Aid & Scholarships page.