Central Valley Creativity Lives Here

Seeding & Cultivating Creative Ideas that Heal, Grow, & Inspire Our Central Valley Communities.

Campo Creatívo, which translates to Creative Field, in English, is a non-profit created to encourage students and educators creativity, to fund their creative ideas through bi-annually creativity grants, and to host and co-host local events centered around the arts and promote healing for our communities.

Campo Creatívo also supports local organizations and artists, like Emilio Gonzalez, originally from Visalia, who created the Campo Creatívo graphic above that so beautifully portrays what we are about.


Creativity Grants

Bi-Annually $1000 grant awards for Creative Ideas/Projects submitted by students and/or teachers.

1st Grants will be awarded in June 2023 with Grant applications opening in February 2023.

Community Events

Host, co-host, or support community events that advocate creativity, arts, culture, wellness, technology,  and/or education.


Promote and support local organizations, artists, restaurants, businesses, events & initiatives through collaborations.


Contact edcamposjr@gmail.com  to get more information on the project