
Apple iPhone: A Look Back At Apple's Premium Smartphone

Apple has carved out its name as the premium brand in mobile technology. In particular, the Apple iPhone series has taken the most space in Apple's spotlight. Loyal customers will attest to the iPhone's luxurious experience.

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But Does Apple's iPhone Match Up To The Hype?

Let's have a look at how the iPhone came to be and if the phone's features are worth it. Keep scrolling…

As we all know, a great story always has an interesting beginning. iPhone's first release was back in 2007- way past the decade mark. Steve Jobs, the then CEO, presented an advanced iPod with touch controls that would change the future of mobile tech. This would be Apple's flagship project and probably a game changer.

Since then, Apple has continued to make ground-breaking advancements like plastic design with 3G and 3GS, glass cover on the iPhone 4, and adding 4G capabilities during the iPhone 5 launch. Even as they rolled out these phones, there's one thing Apple never compromised- the price!

Yes, Apple's first flagship phone came at a whopping $929 dollars for the 8GB version and $774 dollars for the 4GB version. But, even at that price people still lined up during its launch to get a hold of their own iPhone, the latest and greatest gadget.

So, What's The Magic Apple Used In Their iPhones?

Well, the iPhone not only has exclusive software- all of its devices work under “one roof”. For instance, you can only sync your music using iTunes. I'd call that selfish, but then again, it's probably the “happy trap” Apple created to maintain loyalty amongst their customers.

Over the years, rival smartphones (e.g. Samsung and LG) have tried to outsmart iPhones with mouth-watering features. While today’s phones may surpass an iPhone’s camera or touch capability, iPhone still boasts of its standalone software that is probably unrivaled.

When you make a firmware that no other competitor can emulate, the competition at that point is almost irrelevant. Android is notorious for releasing different versions each time they release a new device. While the iPhone does something similar, every iPhone pretty much works the same.

On paper, most android devices released the same year as the iPhone flagships look better, but when it comes to functionality, the iPhone always takes the day.

Modern iPhones

Modern iPhone releases like the iPhone X range around the $1550 price range with iPhone XS Max 521GB lingers close to $2369. The iPhone 11 Pro Max 512GB is priced at $2499.00. But even when Apple releases budget phones, people still go for the expensive ones! The current US market penetration of all models shows iPhone 7 has the most market share at 15.40%. Remember, the iPhone 7 is probably twice as costly as its budget model iPhone SE 2016.

iPhone Sales Figures


Apple has really stayed on top of things when it comes to mobile technology. It seems we're heading for a fuzzy ride now that most competitors have already rolled out 5G models. Since their next release is due September 2020, we should expect at least one model with 5G capability. The tech giant is still the leader in mobile technology and from the look of things they are not giving up that position anytime soon.

iPhone Models

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iPad Models

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Sales Figures


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iPhone Cases


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Best iPhone Cases

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Lifeproof iPhone Cases.docx.pdf

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