The research activities at CAML involve a wide range of topics, with a special emphasis on mechanics, numerical methods, and applied mathematics. The University of Houston offers many intermediate and advanced graduate courses in these areas. Below is an incomplete list of courses/resources that may be useful to current students at the University of Houston. Also, a short write-up by Prof. Keith Hjelmstad on how to do research is worth a read. An attachment to the document can be found below.

Technical / Scientific Writing

Technical writing will be an essential part of graduate studies. There will be several occasions in which a student has to communicate his/her ideas effectively and precisely. These include course reports, project reports, theses, dissertations, conference papers, and journal papers. If a student wants to improve their writing skills, he/she can start by visiting the Writing Center at the University of Houston. In addition, the following references may come in handy:

Civil Engineering Courses

Mechanical Engineering Courses

Computational and Numerical Courses

Mathematics Courses 

Partial Differential Equations Courses

Linear Algebra Courses

Advanced MATH Courses

Physics Courses
