Computational & Applied Mechanics Laboratory

Discover through advanced computing and mathematical modeling. 

Under the guidance of 

Professor Kalyana Babu Nakshatrala

Associate Professor 

Department Associate Chair

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 

Mechanical Engineering (courtesy)

N107 Engineering Building #1, Room #124

University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-4003

Phone: +1-713-743-4418

Fax: +1-713-743-4260

E-mail: knakshatrala AT uh DOT edu

Laboratory Location

Science & Engineering Research Center (Building 545)

Room #E1006, 3605 Cullen Blvd, First floor

University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77204-5059

Lab Phone: +1-713-743-4618

My ORCID's QR code