Household Finance and Neuroeconomics:
Wealth and Insurance Choices: Evidence from U.S. Households (with Michael Gropper), Journal of Finance, forthcoming
Extrapolative uncertainty and household economic behavior (with Elyas Fermand, Geng Li, and Itzhak Ben-David), Management Science, 70 (8): 5607–5625, August 2024
Multivariate associations between dopamine receptor availability and risky investment decision-making across adulthood (with Mikella Green, Jennifer Crawford, Gregory Samanez-Larkin, and Kendra Seaman), Cerebral Cortex Communications, 4:1-8, 2023
Socioeconomic status and macroeconomic expectations (with Sreyoshi Das and Stefan Nagel), Review of Financial Studies, 33 (1): 395-432, January 2020
Non-cognitive abilities and financial delinquency: The role of self-efficacy in avoiding financial distress (with Brian Melzer), Journal of Finance, 73 (6): 2837-2869, December 2018
Preferences and beliefs about financial risk taking mediate the association between anterior insula activation and self-reported real-life stock trading (with Alexander N. Häusler, Sarah Rudorf and Bernd Weber), Nature – Scientific Reports, 8:11207, July 2018
Socioeconomic status and learning from financial information (with Andrei Miu), Journal of Financial Economics, 124 (2): 349-372, May 2017
The effect of prior choices on expectations and subsequent portfolio decisions (with Sarah Rudorf and Bernd Weber), R&R at the Review of Financial Studies, updated May 2017
Asymmetric learning from financial information. Journal of Finance, 70 (5): 2029-2062, October 2015
The commonality of loss aversion across procedures and stimuli (with Sang Lee et. al), PLoS ONE 10 (9), October 2015
Serotonergic genotypes, neuroticism, and financial choices (with Brian Knutson and Gregory Samanez-Larkin). PLoS ONE, 8 (1), January 2013
Gain and loss learning differentially contribute to life financial outcomes (with Brian Knutson and Gregory Samanez-Larkin). PLoS ONE, 6 (9), September 2011
The influence of affect on beliefs, preferences and financial decisions (with Brian Knutson). Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 46 (3): 605-626, June 2011 (lead article)
Delays conferred by escalating costs modulate dopamine release to rewards but not their predictors (with Matthew Wanat and Paul Phillips). Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (36): 12020-12027, September 2010
Variability in nucleus accumbens activity mediates age-related suboptimal financial risk taking (with Gregory Samanez-Larkin, Daniel Yoo, and Brian Knutson). Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (4):1426-1434, January 2010
Genetic determinants of financial risk taking (with Joan Y. Chiao). PLoS ONE, 4 (2), February 2009
Nucleus accumbens activation mediates the influence of reward cues on financial risk taking (with Brian Knutson, G. Elliott Wimmer and Piotr Winkielman). NeuroReport, 19 (5): 509-513, March 2008
The neural basis of financial risk taking (with Brian Knutson). Neuron, 47:763-770, September 2005
Labor and Finance:
When do group incentives for retail store managers work? (with Huck Lee and Saravan Kesavan). Production and Operations Management, 31 (8): 3077 - 3095, August 2022 (Lead article)
Demand fluctuations, precarious incomes, and employee turnover (with Saravan Kesavan). Working paper, updated May 2017
Exploration for human capital: Evidence from the MBA labor market (with Paul Oyer). Journal of Labor Economics, 34 (S2): S255-S286, February 2016
CEO turnover in a competitive assignment framework (with Andrea Eisfeldt). Journal of Financial Economics, 109 (2): 351-372, August 2013 (download CEO turnover dataset)
Public opinion and executive compensation (with Alexandra Niessen). Management Science, 58 (7): 1249-1272, July 2012
Feedback, self-esteem and performance in organizations (with Agnieszka Tymula). Management Science, 58 (1): 94-113, January 2012
Business networks, corporate governance and contracting in the mutual fund industry. Journal of Finance, 64 (5): 2185-2220, October 2009
Searching for jobs: Evidence from MBA graduates. R&R at Management Science, updated May 2017
Executive pay, hidden compensation and managerial entrenchment (with Jeffrey Zwiebel). R&R at the Journal of Finance, November 2009
Dynamic contracting in the mutual fund industry. Working paper, June 2004