
July 2024: National Public Radio Marketplace piece on household expectations and GDP growth

January 2024: National Public Radio Marketplace piece on consumer confidence

July 2023: Fast Company Op-Ed on the drivers of households’ economic expectations


December 2022: Financial Times article on managerial incentives in the age of stakeholder capitalism


August 2022: National Public RadioMarketplace piece on inflation and consumer expectations


July 2022: WRAL interview regarding household inflation expectations and spending


February 2022: Washington Post article on US households financial health post-Covid


May 2020: Wall Street Journal article on the effects of uncertainty on household spending

August 2019: MarketWatch article on asymmetries in learning in financial markets

December 2018: Wall Street Journal article on investor behavior and financial literacy

June 2017: MarketWatch piece on neuroeconomics and learning in markets

May 2016:     National Public Radio All Things Considered piece on behavioral economics and purchase decisions

February 2016: Quartz news article on the determinants of financial risk taking behavior

August 2015: National Public Radio All Things Considered piece on neuroeconomics and investing


February 2015: Bloomberg article on the role of uncertainty in hiring in the MBA labor market

January 2015: The Atlantic article on the drivers of hiring decisions in the MBA labor market

January 2015: CNBC piece on neuroeconomics and investment decisions


November 2014: National Public Radio piece on neuroeconomics and consumer decisions, Financial Times article on neuroeconomics and learning in markets


October 2014: Bloomberg article on neuroeconomics and trading in financial markets


July 2014: LA Times article on neuroeconomics and patterns in financial markets

January 2014: WUNC North Carolina Public Radio piece about biological and social drivers of financial choices

October 2013: Chicago Public Radio piece on neuroeconomics and trading behavior

July 2013: Reuters article on the genetic determinants of financial risk taking

April 2013: New York Times article on CEO compensation and performance

March 2013: Le Monde, Science World Report, Stanford Report articles on the links between personality, genetics, and financial choices

May 2012: Project M article on neurofinance and long term investing

May 2012: American Public Media Marketplace piece on public opinion and CEO compensation.

March 2012: Chicago Public Radio piece on neuroeconomics and investing decisions.

February 2012: LifeScience article on public opinion and CEO compensation.

January 2012: Neuroeconomics work featured in the book “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking” by Susan Cain.

October 2011: Wall Street Journal article on neuroeconomics and investing during financial crises.

August 2011: National Public Radio “All Things Considered” piece on the brain, emotions and financial decisions, Bloomberg article on neurofinance.

December 2010: European Financial Review article on neurofinance.

October 2010: Neuroeconomics work featured in the book “What Investors Really Want: Know What Drives Investor Behavior and Make Smarter Financial Decisions” by Meir Statman.

May 2010: Scientific American article on genes and risk taking.

February 2010: Financial Times, Smart Money, US Banker articles on the brain, aging and financial choices.

February 2010: Business Week article on public outrage and CEO compensation.

May 2009: Los Angeles Times article on CEO compensation.

February 2009: Business Week article on the influence of public opinion on CEO compensation.

February 2009: Reuters, BBC, Scientific American articles, American Public Media Marketplace Radio piece referring to the paper "Genetic determinants of financial risk taking".

December 2008: National Public Radio piece on investing mistakes.

August 2008: New York Times article on the pay of mutual fund investment managers

April 2008: Science Daily, Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, Bloomberg articles referring to the paper “Nucleus accumbens activation mediates the influence of reward cues on financial risk taking”; Washington Post article on the relation between hormones and financial decisions.

November 2007: Conference Board Review article about executive compensation.

July 2007: Neuroeconomics work featured in the book “Inside the Investor's Brain: The Power of Mind over Money”, by Richard L. Petersen

April 2006: New York Times article on neuroeconomics and the paper "The neural basis of financial risk taking"

September 2005: Chicago Tribune, Stanford Report, NY Daily News , International Herald Tribune, Forbes, Globe and Mail - reactions to the paper "The neural basis of financial risk taking"

September 2005: Financial Times comment letter about the fiduciary duty of mutual fund directors - in response to this FT article.

June 2004: USA Today article on the potential effects of the change in the SEC regulation of the disclosure requirements for investment advisory contracts.