Teaching Methods Effective at Fostering Positive Motivation Patterns

(Maehr and Midgley. "Enhancing Student Motivation: A schoolwide Approach", pg. 402.) 

(Ames. "Classrooms: Goals, Structures, and Student Motivation", pg. 266, 267.)

We know that schools improve one at a time, and that no school in America will improve unless its teachers want to improve, and its students want to learn. The Ames effort focuses on this and is split into four key elements consisting of: 

It is common to see teachers who are able to design effective tasks that can be challenging to students but also push them in the right direction, as well as teachers who "use evaluation practices that encourage social comparison. In other words, if the task structure is mastery oriented but the evaluation structure is performance oriented."

Specification of Classroom Processes

The two main goal theory approaches that Ames and Archer discuss and work with are 'ability-focused' goals and 'task-focused' goals, which are equivalent to 'Performance-Avoidance/Approach Goal' and 'Mastery Goal'

Ms. Wormwood's Classroom Methods through the lens of Goal Theory

Ms. Wormwood's teaching, as clearly evidenced in this comic excerpt, clearly does not motivate Calvin. Calvin has no intention of approaching a performance of his knowledge of the subject Ms. Wormwood, and doesn't have any kind of drive to learn the knowledge for the sake of learning. He is actively showing disinterest, in a way that lets him blame his lack of knowledge on his lack of caring, an example of performance avoidant patterns. 

Improvements Ms. Wormwood can make 

A few options Ms. Wormwood could follow up on in order to encourage different goal patterns are:

-This was shown to work in the Ames and Archer study, in which they studies the effects of Performance Approach mindsets when students are working on projects that they are passionate about. 

 Calvin would flourish if he could apply the creativity he pours into his comics/self directed learning into the projects he does at school.