Influences on Learning and Achievement

How do motivational patterns influence Learning?

The Influence of classroom Emphasis of Learning/Mastery on student's learning:

When students perceive a classroom to emphasise  mastery and the process of learning, their behaviors reflect learning habits oriented towards mastery and progress. 

Encouraging Mastery and Progress Based Success in the Classroom:

>>Studies show that students that perceive their classroom to have an emphasis on mastery/learning goals are more likely to report the following: 

Classroom Emphasis of Performance/ Achievement and its influence on Student's Learning:

When students perceive a classroom emphasis on performance goal orientation, their behaviors tend to reflect performance oriented learning habits. While Performance Goal Mindsets may show faster results than Mastery/Learning Goal Mindsets at first, they are not optimal for long-term learning. This is because the performance approach mindset can quickly devolve into Performance Avoidance.

Encouraging/ Rewarding Social Comparison and Performance-Based Success in the Classroom: Performance Approach

Performance Goal Orientation often results in students having a negative perception of their abilities and leaves them at higher risk of developing performance avoidant behaviors

How Performance Avoidance Effects Learning: 

Performance Avoidant Behaviors are triggered by an inability to meet perceived Performance Goal environment standards. 

Students that Develop Performance Avoidant behavirs often struggle in both their academic and personal lives due to the heightened anxiety surrounding their performance and achievement. Increased focus on achievement and extrinsic pressures has shown to be detrimental to student's ability to learn and make progress due to having "fixed" mindset of what they are capable of 

Achievement Goals in the Classroom: Student's Learning  Strategies and Motivation Processes (Ames and Archer)

Exploring different motivational processes in relation to the presence of mastery and performance goals in actual classroom settings and how it affected Student's ability to learn and grow. 

Conclusion: goal orientation is determined by what is actually happening in the classroom but also by how the student interprets these events and what motivational orientatio they adopt. Each outcome is effected by their self perception of ability, perception of goal orientation. These are effected by their upbringing and interpretation of events

(All Information is Referenced from the Ames/Archer Study)

Details Related to the Ames and Archer Study

Questions the Study Addressed

Learning Stategies were monitored based on their engagement of the following: 

It is important to note that students within the same classroom may differ in their interpretations of goal orientations due to the diversity in upbringing, home influences, or differential treatment by teachers. In result, the extent that students adopt motivational patterns depends on each student’s social reality that they construct for themselves.  

(All Information is Referenced from the Ames/Archer Study)

Applications to Calvin's Learning

Calvin's Motivational Struggles 

However: he doesn't seem to have these issues when he's making his comics and imaginary worlds.