Fellow Rocky Mountain Region Members,

Hopefully, everyone had an enjoyable Summer and is enjoying the colors of fall. Time to start thinking of projects to do on our layouts during the winter months. I have neglected projects that should have been worked on but weren't, and projects that need to be finished, but were put on the back burner.

Of course, getting to them will be after train show, the holidays, the big game, and being with the family. All important things, that almost always get out in front of our projects, but that's what it's all about, doing things with family and friends first.

We, as NMRA members, have been blessed to be involved with a hobby as diverse and interesting as ours. Trains, in one form or another, are the basis for our interest; we keep it simple or complex as we want or need it. If we have a problem with something, there is usually someone that has already had and solved that issue.

In my division, the Northern Utah, we have a group of a few members and friends that visit someone's layout or project that is being worked on and just chip in a couple of hours to assist. This "construction crew" goes out each week, if possible, to assist. Sometimes you get to do something you haven't done before or you're giving on the job training to teach something new to another. Bottom line is you're making a friend of two and that is a benefit the has no price tag. If your division has a crew that helps, don't wait to be asked to volunteer, just ask.

Well, that's my rambling for this time. Have a fabulous winter, including Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year!

Stay safe and enjoy our hobby!
