From the Backshop

We've come to November again, albeit very quickly, but despite everything else going on in our world it is National Model Railroad Month! Hope you may have some activities in your region to take part in - or just some time set aside to hit the layout room or workbench.

We have updates this month from the Silver San Juan Division, too - some communication issues kept the Callboard from getting their info out in past editions - our apologies. They've had lots going on since COVID restrictions in their area have been lifted - take a look at all the great photos!

Please check the activity in Announcements, too - big month (National Model Railroad Month) for train shows again!

As always, if you have an article, photo, video or other announcement you want to share with the Region, send them our way for the next issue - you can contact me at The Callboard Fall Edition's deadline for submissions is January 18, 2022.

Keep staying safe and healthy,
