An extremely dopey but entertaining gay paranormal romance. The gay vampires hiss like alley cats whenever they're annoyed at each other or startled by hilarious computer generated monsters, which is always.

A Vampire is an undead creature which subsists on the blood of the living; namely that of warm-blooded creatures such as humans and other mammals. Driven by bloodlust and endowed with immortality, vampires have preyed upon humans for millennia and have thus been hunted in return.

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Like many other inhuman denizens of the Earth, vampires enjoy a delicate anonymity; protected by a thin veil of ignorance perpetuated both by literature and superstition as well as the machinations of societies such as the Vatican which seek to either exterminate or exploit them.

As a breed, vampires are effectively endangered. While it is relatively easy to create a new vampire, or even a whole coven, vampires have deliberately kept their numbers down to ensure anonymity and a steady blood supply. Additionally, hunters have similarly policed their ranks.

According to the lore understood by the Vatican, vampires are the accursed progeny of Cain and Lilith; the First Murderer and the First Woman respectively, both tracing their early days back to the Garden of Eden and both having been exiled from the garden for defying God's will.

Originally human, vampires are created through the process of siring. As they are resurrected corpses and thus void of any miscellaneous bodily fluids or organic functions, they cannot procreate as humans do. Instead, they must kill and convert living humans into their bloodline.

Near Dark is a 1987 American neo-Western horror film co-written and directed by Kathryn Bigelow (in her solo directorial debut), and starring Adrian Pasdar, Jenny Wright, Bill Paxton, Lance Henriksen and Jenette Goldstein. The plot follows a young man in a small Oklahoma town who becomes involved with a family of nomadic American vampires.

One night, Caleb Colton, a young man in a small town, meets an attractive young drifter named Mae. Just before sunrise, she bites him on the neck and runs off. The rising sun causes Caleb's flesh to smoke and burn. Mae arrives with a group of roaming vampires in an RV and takes him away. The most psychotic of the vampires, Severen, wants to kill Caleb but Mae reveals that she has already turned him. Their charismatic leader, Jesse Hooker, reluctantly agrees to allow Caleb to remain with them for a week to see if he can learn to hunt and gain the group's trust. Caleb is unwilling to kill to feed, which alienates him from the others. To protect him, Mae kills for him and then has him drink from her wrist.

Meanwhile, Caleb's father has been searching for Jesse's group. A child vampire in the group, Homer, meets Caleb's sister, Sarah, and wants to turn her into his companion, but Caleb objects. While the group argues, Caleb's father arrives and holds them at gunpoint, demanding that Sarah be released. Jesse taunts him into shooting him, then regurgitates the bullet before wrestling the gun away. In the confusion, Sarah opens a door, letting in the sunlight and forcing the vampires back. Burning, Caleb escapes with his family.

Caleb suggests they try giving him a blood transfusion. The transfusion unexpectedly reverses Caleb's transformation. That night, the vampires search for Caleb and Sarah. Mae distracts Caleb by trying to persuade him to return to her while the others kidnap his sister. Caleb discovers the kidnapping and his tires slashed but gives chase on horseback. When the horse shies and throws him, he is confronted by Severen. Caleb commandeers a tractor-trailer and runs Severen over. The injured vampire suddenly appears on the hood of the truck and manages to rip apart the wiring in the engine. Caleb jackknifes the vehicle and jumps out as the truck explodes, killing Severen. Seeking revenge, Jesse and his girlfriend, Diamondback, pursue him but are forced to escape in their car as dawn breaks.

I don't know of anything cheap. An item that casts darkness will lower the light level, which should be enough. A wand or potion of darkness will be somewhat accessible, but limited. Void light lantern or lantern of dancing shadows are more sustainable, but also quite a bit of gold. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Diego Rossi Jun 9, 2023, 11:53 am This seems to be what you want. Not too costly.

Enough to stop the sunlight from being "direct".Basic rules about illumination

The rules are a bit scattered, but explained in the Darkness spell:

Darkness wrote:This darkness causes the illumination level in the area to drop one step, from bright light to normal light, from normal light to dim light, or from dim light to darkness. This spell has no effect in an area that is already dark. Creatures with light vulnerability or sensitivity take no penalties in normal light.Eclipsed spell metamagic works the same way, but can be done over and over with the light cantrip, for the cost of a feat.

Note that this is visible. Anyone would notice that there is a supernatural darkness radiating out from whatever the vampire cast it on, unless of course everything was already completely dark.. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) AwesomenessDog Jun 10, 2023, 02:56 pm The effect of protective penumbra is equally obvious to anyone looking at you while it's active, just not in a big enough radius that it can darken an entire room. Basically there's no way to be a daywalker without being super suspicious at the same time.

Sometimes things like that get broken in editing. The original author may have written it specifically for vampires while giving it options for other kinds of undead. And then the editor may have come in afterwards and cut out the important parts.

It needs a coffin if it is reduced to 0 HP and is forced to assume its gaseous form. As an undead, vampires do not need sleep. They typically stay in their coffin when it is daylight for safety reasons, but there is nothing forcing them to do so. RAW there is nothing that says a vampire cannot be active during the day as long as it is not exposed to sunlight.

It had been one hundred and fifty years since the vampires rose. The monsters had lurked quietly among humanity from the beginning of time, but one dark winter night in 1870 they came en masse intent on subjugating human society. It was not known why they chose that moment to attack. Perhaps a great leader had inspired them. Perhaps they sensed a particular weakness in human culture as it teetered between faith and science. And clearly, humans were not prepared; they were taken totally by surprise. Most people had even given up their beliefs in the existence of such creatures as vampires. The vampires struck at the hearts of the Great Powers of Europe, America, and Asia. They decapitated governments and armies as well as destroying communication and transportation. Order was replaced by horror, panic, and collapse. Within two years, the great industrial societies of the north were cadavers and the vampire clans divided the old world between themselves.

Most respected men of science stated with certainty that vampires were not the resurrected corpses of humans. The creatures were now classed as a parasitic species that thrived on human blood and they had been categorized Homo nosferatii. Vampires and humans had dis- turbingly similar anatomies and physiologies, except that vampires had sharper teeth, retractable clawlike fingernails, and eyes acutely adapted to nocturnal hunting. Four of their five senses were magnifi- cent; sight, smell, hearing, and taste were well beyond the level of a dog or cat. However, vampires had a stunted sense of touch making it difficult for them to manipulate objects or use simple tools. Anatomy lessons conducted in the gaslit chambers beneath the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Alexandria had demonstrated that vampires seemed to feel no pain and rapidly healed from even the most horrific wounds.

It had never been demonstrated convincingly that vampires created new vampires by infecting humans. Scholars debated with great vigor how, or even if, vampires propagated. There were many theories, but the current dominant belief among the learned was that the crea- tures lived forever and there were as many now as there had ever been or would ever be.

Certainly none of this latest scientific knowledge had been available to the terrified victims of the Great Killing in 1870. After those attacks, hundreds of thousands of humans fled south towards the equator where they sought refuge in colonial possessions and fought savagely for land in a great frenzy of cultural collapse and coalition. Eventually the shell-shocked remnants of northern humanity blended with local people and set about trying to recreate new versions of their beloved societies based on steam and iron in the wilting tropical heat where vampires rarely tread.

Simon immediately planted himself and stared up at the swelling sails forcing Adele to tow his rigid form against the rail. She began to say something to the young officer, but he was already engaged in another duty. With a heavy sigh, she leaned against the hard mahogany gunwale, content to monitor her restless brother in the gathering darkness.

Two dark cadaverous figures settled to the deck amidships with no sound and lifted their bloodstained faces into the light. Adele saw true savagery for the first time. These vampires were not stories or fright- ening figures in the distance; they were real, covered in blood that glis- tened in the lamplight. She clutched her brother close.

Adele sent her brother down into the companionway. She saw the rigging over her head was full of vampires, perhaps a hundred of them squirming and crawling, like a dead tree full of caterpillars. Then the two royals were below where soldiers and sailors raced frantically through the corridors. Officers shouted orders and counterorders that were lost in the din of tramping feet. Anhalt dropped quickly through the hatchway and detailed five soldiers to accompany Adele and Simon into the bowels of the ship. be457b7860

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