KILLCMOS is a handy tool if you ever lose control of your BIOS settings or password. Despite what the freeware name suggests, KILLCMOS does not kill, or reprogram your CMOS, but rather works as a desperate remedy to password loss. It will effectively alter checksums and values of the CMOS in order to "trick" the system into bypassing the password and restoring your mainboard to its default settings. In other words, it does not directly impact hardware - but simply reads and write values in order to reconfigure the mainboard's settings.

The design implements a 32-bit instruction set, with 32-bit registers and a 16-bit internal data bus.[4] The address bus is 24 bits and does not use memory segmentation, which made it easier to program for. Internally, it uses a 16-bit data arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and two more 16-bit ALUs used mostly for addresses,[4] and has a 16-bit external data bus.[5] For this reason, Motorola termed it a 16/32-bit processor.

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Motorola knew that if they launched a product similar to the 8086, within 10% of its capabilities, Intel would kill them in the market. In order to compete, they set themselves the goal of being two times as powerful at the same cost, or one-half the cost with the same performance. Crook decided that they would attack the high-end of the market with the most powerful processor on the market.[12] Another 16-bit would not do, their design would have to be bigger, and that meant having some 32-bit features.[13] Crook had decided on this approach by the end of 1976.[12]

In 1982, the 68000 received a minor update to its instruction set architecture (ISA) to support virtual memory and to conform to the Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements. The updated chip is called the 68010.[28] It also adds a new "loop mode" which speeds up small loops, and increases overall performance by about 10% at the same clock speeds. A further extended version, which exposes 31 bits of the address bus, was also produced in small quantities as the 68012.

The 68000 has a 24-bit external address bus and two byte-select signals "replaced" A0. These 24 lines can therefore address 16 MB of physical memory with byte resolution. Address storage and computation uses 32 bits internally; however, the 8 high-order address bits are ignored due to the physical lack of device pins. This allows it to run software written for a logically flat 32-bit address space, while accessing only a 24-bit physical address space. Motorola's intent with the internal 32-bit address space was forward compatibility, making it feasible to write 68000 software that would take full advantage of later 32-bit implementations of the 68000 instruction set.[4]

The 68000 has a 16-bit status register. The upper 8 bits is the system byte, and modification of it is privileged. The lower 8 bits is the user byte, also known as the condition code register (CCR), and modification of it is not privileged. The 68000 comparison, arithmetic, and logic operations modify condition codes to record their results for use by later conditional jumps. The condition code bits are "carry" (C), "overflow" (V), "zero" (Z), "negative" (N) and "extend" (X). The "extend" (X) flag deserves special mention, because it is separate from the carry flag. This permits the extra bit from arithmetic, logic, and shift operations to be separated from the carry multiprecision arithmetic.[49]

The designers attempted to make the assembly language orthogonal. That is, instructions are divided into operations and address modes, and almost all address modes are available for almost all instructions. There are 56 instructions and a minimum instruction size of 16 bits. Many instructions and addressing modes are longer to include more address or mode bits.

Like many CPUs of its era the cycle timing of some instructions varied depending on the source operand(s). For example, the unsigned multiply instruction takes (38+2n) clock cycles to complete where 'n' is equal to the number of bits set in the operand.[51] To create a function that took a fixed cycle count required the addition of extra code after the multiply instruction. This would typically consume extra cycles for each bit that wasn't set in the original multiplication operand.

The water has impurities so it conducts electricity and that means electricity can flow between two points of the board through the water. As a side effect you have electrolysis, which causes corrosion, copper particles from the pins/points that send or receive electricity or from the thinnest places in a exposed trace will lost bits of copper over time (as long as water is present).

Another change that was taking place was the introduction of projection masking. Previously, chips were patterned onto the surface of the wafer by placing a mask on the surface of the wafer and then shining a bright light on it. The masks often picked up tiny bits of dirt or photoresist as they were lifted off the chip, causing flaws in those locations on any subsequent masking. With complex designs like CPUs, 5 or 6 such masking steps would be used, and the chance that at least one of these steps would introduce a flaw was very high. In most cases, 90% of such designs were flawed, resulting in a 10% yield. The price of the working examples had to cover the production cost of the 90% that were thrown away.[41]

The next major difference was to simplify the registers. To start with, one of the two accumulators was removed. General-purpose registers like accumulators have to be accessed by many parts of the instruction decoder, and thus require significant amounts of wiring to move data to and from their storage. Two accumulators makes many coding tasks easier, but costs the chip design itself significant complexity.[43] Further savings were made by reducing the stack register from 16 to 8 bits, meaning that the stack could only be 256 bytes long, which was enough for its intended role as a microcontroller.[43][failed verification]

Like its precursor, the 6800, the 6502 has very few registers. The 6502's registers include one 8-bit accumulator register (A), two 8-bit index registers (X and Y), 7 processor status flag bits (P; from bit 7 to bit 0 these are the negative (N), overflow (V), reserved, break (B), decimal (D), interrupt disable (I), zero (Z) and carry (C) flag), an 8-bit stack pointer (S), and a 16-bit program counter (PC).[76] This compares to a typical design of the same era, the Z80, which has eight general-purpose 8-bit registers, which can be combined into four 16-bit ones. The Z80 also had a complete set of alternate registers, which made a total of sixteen general-purpose registers.

For instance, consider the ORA instruction, which performs a bitwise OR on the bits in the accumulator with another value. The instruction opcode is of the form 000bbb01, where bbb may be 010 for an immediate mode value (constant), 001 for zero-page fixed address, 011 for an absolute address, and so on.[77]

The remaining 105 opcodes are undefined. In the original design, instructions where the low-order 4 bits (nibble) were 3, 7, B or F were not used, providing room for future expansion. Likewise, the $2x column had only a single entry, LDX #constant. The remaining 25 empty slots were distributed. Some of the empty slots were used in the 65C02 to provide both new instructions and variations on existing ones with new addressing modes. The $Fx instructions were initially left free to allow 3rd-party vendors to add their own instructions, but later versions of the 65C02 standardized a set of bit manipulation instructions developed by Rockwell Semiconductor.

Maybe I am wrong but I understood FLI seems to correct internaly the non linearity of the "merge" image by giving directly a ready to calibrate image with 16 bits darks and Flats (read user manual of their ASCOM driver, I read it but as I don't own this camera FLI, I didn't spent time on this)

Moravian has chosen to give you the real values from the sensor. There is no internal correction. You have direct fast 16 bits HDR assembly in the driver (no loss of computing time) and all light images are acquired in this mode. Only Dark and Flats are acquired with High gain and 16 bits converted low gain. You don't have values to change. All is already implemented in the driver.

After staring into space for awhile, I thought that it might be a tiny bit useful to elaborate a bit on why my evidence for a supposed nonlinear behaviour in the fixed-pattern noise was actually an artifact produced by the inadequate dithering. Not that this really matters, so please don't bother with this message, unless you want to kill some time. And yes, Frank (freestar8n) was *also* correct that the pattern background *should* be characterized as noise (FPN)!

Our XA admin was ready to bang her head through a wall over this issue, because it's been killing us. Before I stumbled across your post, she had written a script to force a lot of stuff at startup just to get through testing, but since making this change everything has been good. I'm going to just roll with it, as well, but I do believe that she submitted a ticket with Citrix last week. If that goes anywhere, I'll absolutely post the findings here. be457b7860

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