High Caliber Training Programs

Email cmorano@gmail.com for questions or to purchase training

I am in Sandy, UT. I can coach locally in person or remotely. We can have an actual training session or we can talk about how to improve your training as you train on your own time. The second option has proven quite valuable to my most dedicated clients. These coaching consultations usually revolve around diet, exercise form, session and program structure, troubleshooting plateaus, injury avoidance, mobility improvement, and mindset.

Custom Training Programs

I offer custom programming in three week phases for 100$. If you would like a longer or more sport specific phase, please contact me. For example, if want preseason training or a meet preparation program, then consider setting up a conversation with me to talk about how we can set that up.  

Ready-To-Go Training Templates

If a program is not written specifically for you then it is a template that may need to be modified. The program might actually work for you exactly as written but it will take a trained eye and your input to see what would need a change. The templates available here are 50$ for a three week phase. I will send you a link to a Google Drive Sheet. I use this platform so if I make changes you see it immediately. 

Then please contact me and we can arrange a call or meeting.

Available Now :

Agility/Acceleration/Aerobic Base

Here is the phase summary...

AAA Phase Summary

Here is a sample session of Week 1 Day 1...

Week 1 Day 1

Coming Soon :

3 week phase programs for :


Jumping/Power/Anaerobic Work

These three week phases are meant to be joined in a nine week repeatable cycle in this order...

Hypertrophy/Recovery -- Agility/Acceleration/Aerobic -- Jumping/Power/Anaerobic

These programs are developed for recreational athletes and adults in their thirties to fifties that want to improve physical ability gradually without the abuse of a hard program.