Stellar System Creator


The Stellar System Creator (SSC) is a program that aims to ease the creation of realistic stellar systems in sci-fi (and other) settings. With minimal input, you can create stars, black holes, planets, moons (satellites), asteroid regions, and other celestial bodies with accurate physical characteristics. You can also find the celestial bodies' habitability, extract their physical characteristics and visualize them.

To learn how to use the program, download the documentation PDF and go to the fifth chapter (GUI) to find an example of how to create a system. You can also find an example of a binary stellar system.

Explore some cool examples here!


So many new things! Check the new version 0.4.4 out!

!! Fixed Corrupted Linux file !!

Video Tutorials

Watch video tutorials on how to start on this YouTube channel.


Download the release of your choice and then unzip the downloaded folder. For Windows, if you get an error "ERROR CODE 0X80010135 PATH TOO LONG", try this solution or make the name of the zip folder sorter.

Next, double click the item with the same name as the folder, within the folder (check this guide if you have a hard time finding it). Windows might question the trustworthiness of the executable file. I have yet to figure out how to help Windows recognize my software as safe, so for now you have to add it to the trusted programs.

Allow some time to open (especially when you run it for the first time it might take a minute or two). You should be ready to start creating your own celestial systems!

SSC for Windows

SSC for Mac

SSC for Ubuntu

If the program does not work, you may want to follow the instructions on how to install the program using python code from GitHub. It is not as hard as you think!

Downloadable Content

Python Source Code

Coming Soon!

Release notes


  • New file type *.sscl (ssc light).

    • Occupies 10 to 100 times less space compared to ssc files.

    • SSCL is a renamed ZIP file. User can see all the data in it.

    • Safer format, only saving text files (JSON type) and user-defined images.

    • They even save the rendering settings.

    • Downside: big files take longer to load (5-10 seconds), but it is worth the wait!

  • Updated functionalities in the GUI.

    • Load and/or save a sub-system separately from it's parent by right-clicking on the sub-system of interest.

    • Fixed inconsistencies on what systems/objects can be deleted or replaced.

    • Now you can export your systems in PDF, CSV, or JSON formats!

  • Opening SSC/SSCL files directly (user must create file association first).

  • Fancy loading screen because ... it looks cool.

  • Fixed minor bugs.


  • Fixed insolation/habitability non-updating issue.

  • Made "Image Browse" to go to default_images folder if image path is None, or the folder of the current image path.

  • Made image rendering to not store a temp file.

  • Added logging functionality for errors found by users.

  • Now a single file can open with running the program (user must do manual .ssc file association first).


  • Made cosmetic changed in the details dialog to make it more user friendly.

  • Updated logo.


  • Added planetary rings with automatically generated gaps (the more satellites the planet has, the more intricate the ring will be!).

  • Added black holes as stellar parents.

  • Added faster and more versatile rendering.

  • Added more intricate examples.

  • Used Color-blind friendly color pallet for image rendering.

  • Updated documentation with more details on how to use the GUI.

  • Created YouTube Channel with tutorials/examples.

  • Made available on MacOS!