Often times world-builders look for resources on stellar system creation, design, or simulation. Even though the Caelian Assistants are unique in their own right, there are many other excellent resources out there which I found interesting, informative, and inspiring.
Information Resources
Artifexian, a YouTube channel full of beautiful animations, showing the first and easy steps on how to create intricate worlds without too much math involved (simplified versions mathematical equations of what is used in the Stellar System Creator.
Architect of Worlds by Jon F. Zeigler, a non-fiction writer, talking about stellar and planetary systems. Great resource to use in parallel with the Stellar System Creator, to more scientifically determine where and how celestial objects are place (orbit selection for gas giants, amounts of rocky planets in a system, etc.)
WorldBuildingPasta, a blogpost with an AMAZING amount of simplified yet deeply analyzed explanations of how galaxies stars and planets work. Suggested if you want to get a deeper understanding of the material at hand. It also features so many other world-building tutorials... it is a question you are still reading this instead of the resource itself!
Extra: WorldBuldingSheet, an excel file that allows you to do many of the same calculations as the Stellar System Creator.
PlanetPlanet by Sean Reymond, a real-life astronomer, talking about planets and their research.
Exocosm by Abbydon a real-life sceintist, talking speculative evolution and worldbuilding from a scientific point of view - from stellar systems and alien organisms, to technology and magic.
Rendering/Simulation Resources
Celestia, an open source space simulator in 3D space (free!).
Universe Sandbox, a physics-based space simulator that can allows for the creation and interaction of various celestial objects in 3D (not free).
Astrosynthesis, a physics-based program that renders large portions of space - plotting stars, interstellar routes, and sub-sectors in 3D (not free).