CAELI COE Environmental Literacy Fellowship

A Program of the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI) County Office of Education Innovation Hub


The CAELI COE Fellowship is a nine month fellowship that supports County Office of Education (COE) employees to launch (or further develop) a robust Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative that drives change across a school or district’s campuses, curriculum, community, and culture. Through a series of workshops and learning activities, fellows are provided with the tools for understanding how to provide county/regional level "backbone support" to key constituents (administrators, teachers, staff, students, community based partners, etc.) in their school communities. The outcome of this fellowship is each fellow drafting a three to five year vision, plan, and budget for their initiative, as well as identify actionable next steps for their first year.  


The COE Fellowship is built around key elements of professional learning: Knowledge and Increased Capacity, Networking and Support, Accountability and Reflection. Each of these components are outlined below. 

Increased Capacity through knowledge and skill building for leading a county or regional Environmental Literacy and Sustainability Initiative. The principles and practices explored include: environmental and climate literacy, whole-systems sustainable and climate resilient schools leadership, systems thinking and change management, environmental and climate justice, environment-based trauma informed practices, and the primary role of equity and community health in these initiatives. 

Networking and Mentorship in a professional learning community with job-alike educational leaders, as well as statewide leaders from the California Environmental Literacy Initiative (CAELI).

Accountability and Reflection: A critical key element of the program is accountability and reflection. This happens formatively through discussions in the cohort based community of practice. Additionally, fellows will complete a summative final reflection process that includes key learning from their participation, highlights from their action plan, and commitments to next steps. 

Program Support: Facilitators and Coaches

Chief Innovation Officer

Ten Strands

Environmental Literacy Coordinator

Santa Cruz County Office of Education

Curriculum Coordinator, Environmental Literacy

San Diego County Office of Education

Program Sponsorship