2023-24 Cohort Details
This fellowship is designed for all passionate COE staff who are in a position to create actionable plans for environmental literacy, sustainability, and/or climate resilient schools initiatives.
Participants include first time fellows and senior fellows, and may apply as an individual or as a team. Teams can include folks from multiple departments within a COE, such as educational, student, and business services and people focused on expanded learning, equity, and continuous improvement. The fellowship will provide structured time to work together. Applicants who serve students who have previously lacked access to environment-based learning experiences are especially encouraged to apply.
Expectations and Outcomes: The 2023-24 CAELI COE Environmental Literacy Fellowship includes a kick-off retreat, workshops, mentoring, and a final guided reflection process. Learn more about each of these elements in the sections below the application.
Expectations: First time and Senior Fellows are expected to attend and participate in the retreat and workshops. Senior fellows will be invited to choose a workshop to share one story from their county and region, and to support with peer mentoring.
Outcomes: First time fellows outcomes include knowledge and skill building for leading a high impact change initiative focused on environmental and climate action in TK-12 schools; guided Implementation and mentorship support from experts in the field for developing a draft a 3-5 year vision, plan, and budget for their initiative as well as action steps for the first year; insight on how to gain access to funding opportunities for COE and districts; and structured peer networking and learning opportunities within program sessions. Senior fellow outcomes include more time to work through knowledge and skill building resources, further development of strategic plan, expansion of network, and the opportunity to support first time fellows with mentoring.
Applications are due by June 30th, and will be accepted on a rolling basis while space is available. Applicants will be notified of their application status within two weeks of applying.
DATE and TIME: Monday, August 21st from 8:30 - 4:00pm
LOCATION: Walden West, Santa Clara County
The focus of this retreat is to set the foundations of this fellowship with a focus on the following:
A shared understanding of the imperative for Environmental Literacy, Sustainability, and/or Climate Resilient Schools initiatives.
Deep dive on the definitions, principles, frameworks, and strategies for whole systems integration of Environmental Literacy and Sustainable and Climate Resilient Schools efforts into campus, curriculum, community, and culture.
Preliminary analysis of your current context and identification of barriers and opportunities for this work, as well as vision and goal setting.
Community building with colleagues in your county or region and across the state.
Task 1: Spend 30-45 minutes exploring terms and frameworks in the Systems Thinking Webquest and come prepared to share which terms you think will resonate best with your COE colleagues and educational leaders in your county region.
Task 2 : Spend 45-60 minutes exploring 1-2 resources from each section of the Change Theories for Solutionaries WebQuest. Come prepared to share (1) to what extent your COE and regional districts and schools are ready for change, (2) what change theories you think may best support the development of a high impact environmental literacy initiative in your county, and (3) to what extent you identify with being a changemaker.
Task 3: Spend 30-45 minutes getting inspired by changemakers! Utilize the following webpages to browse different stories from changemaker:
Young Voices for the Planet's Youth Voices Videos
San Mateo County Changemaker Interview and Videos
Stone Soup Leadership Institute's Youth Leader Videos
Retreat Materials
DATE and TIME: Friday September 15th, from 9am - 12pm
The focus of this workshop will be on the integration of environmental and climate literacy into curriculum and instruction. Key outcomes for the workshop include:
How to develop and implement professional learning programs focused on integrating California’s Environmental Principles and Concepts (EP&Cs) into all grade levels and subject areas. This includes support for addressing environmental and climate justice, and trauma informed practices in professional learning opportunities. As well as attention to connections to Green Ribbon Pillar 3, and Community Based Partners.
Access to a toolkit of best practices from COEs already implementing professional learning programs both at districts and “come all” programs.
Support for identifying structural barriers and opportunities for this work within your COE curriculum and instruction department, as well as attention to identifying funding opportunities for this work.
Workshop Materials: Curriculum Workshop Slides
Task 1: Watch the Curriculum Videos from the COE Fellowship Toolkit, specifically these two:
Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ifh6lmVAes (14:29) on COUNTY-WIDE ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT and
Task 2 - Planning Template: Fill in the orange and green Sphere of Influence and Systems Analysis questions for the Curriculum and Instruction section. Find your plan in the COE Fellowship Action Plan Folder. We will be working on this plan throughout the fellowship during and between virtual workshop sessions.
DATE and TIME: Friday October 13th from 9am - 12pm
The focus of this workshop will be on developing and implementing programs and services that focus on sustainability and climate resilient efforts across LEA, district, and school site facilities and grounds. Key outcomes for this workshop include:
How COEs can develop technical assistance services that support districts and schools to identify local environmental justice issues, to launch sustainability and climate mitigation initiatives in buildings and grounds, prepare for climate disasters, and establish outdoor spaces for equitable learning and improved physical and emotional health.
Access to a toolkit of best practices from COEs already implementing technical assistance programs and networks.
Fellows will also get support for considering how to model sustainability practices in their own buildings, grounds, and operations.
Support for identifying structural barriers and opportunities for this work within your COEs business and facilities department, as well as attention to identifying funding opportunities for your COE and for district initiatives.
Workshop Materials: Campus & Operations Workshop Slides
Task 1 - Systems Overview Action Plan (Required)
Video Link: https://youtu.be/1scBpPPHJAQ (13:44)
Video Slide Deck: Campus Subsystem Overview for COE Coordinators Leading Initiatives Related to Environmental Literacy and Sustainable and Climate Resilient Schools
Complete the following questions on your Action Plan Workbook in Part IV. Campus - Sphere of Influence and Systems Analysis
In what areas of campus and facilities do I have the most connections?
What are current campus needs, initiatives or priorities at my COE and districts?
What flexibility is there for using environmental literacy as a primary lens to address them?
What might be the biggest barriers, roadblocks, challenges to moving forward environmental literacy within campus and facilities?
Task 2 - Mandates for Schools (Required)
Read about campus-related Environmental Mandates, Policies, and Expectations for Schools .
Task 3 - Changemaker Stories (Required)
Spend 20-30 minutes getting inspired by changemakers. Choose 1 Administrator Story From SMCOE’s Changemaker Series. Recommended stories for facilities include:
Ralph Crame (CBO) on District-Wide Living Schoolyards Efforts
Katherine Rivera (Principal) on Outdoor Classrooms
Nuala O’Sullivan-Haley and Liz O’Neil (Principals) on Waste Management and Outdoor Learning
Dwayne Taylor (Facilities Manager) on Baseline Assessments
Ravenswood District Leaders on Green Ribbon Award
Optional Tasks
Read through the ED100 Facilities Overview (optional)
Aspen Institute’s K12 Climate Action - Read the Executive Summary (2021)
Environment and Sustainability at the U.S. Department of Education:
Climate Adaptation Plan (2021) and Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (2020)
DATE and TIME: Friday November 17th from 9am - 12pm
LOCATION: Virtual - Zoom
The focus of this workshop is on developing and implementing programs and services that focus on community and culture aspects of an initiative. Outcomes include:
How COEs can develop programs and services such as Youth Engagement and Leadership Programs, Parent and Family Engagement Programs, Health and Well-Being programs, Community Based Partner Networks, Earth Day Awareness events and Climate Action events, etc.
Access to a toolkit of best practices from COEs already implementing programs and networks.
Support for identifying structural barriers and opportunities for this work within your COEs Student Services departments.
Workshop Materials: Community & Culture Workshop Slides
Task 1: Culture & Community System Overview (Required)
Task 2: Action Plan Workbook (Required)
Complete the following questions in PART V - Community and Culture Analysis:
In what areas of community and culture do I have the most connections?
What are current community initiatives and internal cultural values? What flexibility is there for using environmental literacy as a primary lens for these?
What might be the biggest barriers, roadblocks, challenges to moving forward environmental literacy within community and culture?
Task 3: COE Toolkit Videos, Slides, and Resources (Optional)
Youth Programs and Committees
Awards Programs and Events/Conferences
Changemaker Stories from Community and Culture - Spend 20-30 minutes getting inspired by changemakers! Choose 1-2 stories from SMCOE’s Changemaker Series: Recommended stories for community and culture include:
Lilian, Maram, and Atiyah: Student advocate to pass a climate emergency declaration
Katinka, Sara, Brandon, Kathryn, and Sophia share their experiences helping the Sequoia Union High School District adopt a climate emergency board resolution to prioritize climate action in 2021, and building on that effort in 2022 to launch a district-wide sustainability committee: 2021 Interview and 2022 Interview.
Woodside Green Academy: Learning inside and outside of school
Charlotte Rosario: Community photobooth project
DATE and TIME: Friday December 8th from 9am - 12pm
LOCATION: Virtual - Zoom
The focus of this workshop is on developing and implementing methods for measuring impact. Outcomes include:
How COEs can develop and implement systems for data collection, tracking and measuring progress, and supporting annual recognition of changemaking across the county, and a toolkit of best practices from COEs
How COEs can support districts and schools to develop initiatives that are grounded in baseline assessments and strategic plans, and connect to recognition and awards programs such as Green Ribbon.
Support for integrating data, impact reports, assessments, and plans into COE initiative vision and plans.
Workshop Materials: Measuring Impact Slides
TASK 1: Example Data From Your Work: Bring an example of data you use in your work
TASK 2: Pre-Exposure to Different Data Topics We Will Explore: We are going to explore a number of different entry points for using data and metrics to guide an initiative and measure impact. Choose one or more of the following topics and resources to explore prior to the workshop:
A) Capturing the Impact of Your Programs, Services, and Overall Initiative: We will explore different methods to collect and use data to show the impact of your COE led programs and services. Visit and browse through any of the following resources to get ideas for capturing impact:
COE TOOLKIT: Visit the section COE Fellowship Toolkit Data section titled “HOW TO DEVELOP DATA SYSTEMS FOR MEASURING IMPACT OF COE LED PROGRAMS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES” and choose from either of the videos and resources to explore.
Annual Reports: In the third year of SMCOE’s environmental initiative, they worked with a PhD student who helped them develop annual reports for the initiative. Explore examples from SMCOE's ELSI First Five Years - note that each annual report has smaller program, networks, and services reports embedded within: ELSI 2021-22 Annual Report, and/or ELSI 2020-21 Annual Report, and/or ELSI 2019–20 Annual Report
B) Capturing Regional Data for Progress (COE TOOLKIT): This segment is about understanding how to collect more detailed data on specific data points across the districts and schools in your county to develop specific projects, programs, and services. Visit the COE Fellowship Toolkit Data section titled “HOW COE LEADERS CAN DEVELOP DATA SYSTEMS TO MEASURE COUNTY-WIDE PROGRESS OF DISTRICTS AND SCHOOLS ON ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY AND SUSTAINABILITY,” and choose from either of the videos and resources to explore.
DATE and TIME: Friday January 26th from 9am - 12pm
The focus of this workshop is on developing and drafting a 3-5 year action plan for their vision. Outcomes include:
Access to a template action plan and examples representing programs and projects across the three pillars of curriculum, campus and community and culture.
Support for identifying components of an action plan, budget and actionable next steps.
Structures for peer review, mentoring and support during plan development.
Workshop Materials: Strategic Planning Slides
Task 1: Review resources. Please review the slides and video for any sessions you may have missed. Please check out or review the extensive materials on our 23-24 Cohort Website and our COE Toolkit. Workshop slides also have extensive links to additional examples and documents.
Task 2: Complete your action plan workbook. Using the materials provided, please do your best to complete your Action Plans, including the new sections on measuring impact. You may wish to do these alone or in collaboration with someone else from your COE. We will be using these plans during the January workshop.
Task 3: Mark your calendars. Check out this COE Fellowship Flier 2023-24 for future dates.
DATE and TIME: Friday March 8th from 9am - 12pm
The focus of this workshop is on identifying strategies for funding and advocating for environmental literacy and sustainability initiatives at COEs. Topics that will be covered include:
Identifying funding opportunities for running projects, programs, and services at a COE
Helping districts understand how to commit to using their own funding (ex: bond, LCAP, etc.), and identify grants for projects and programs.
Examples of how to increase staff support that do not require a lot of funding (ex: climate corps fellows, internships, graduate researchers, etc.
Examples of how to capture progress and stories that can be used to advocate to decision makers that this initiative needs to remain a priority.
Task 1: Action Plans. In your Action Plan, complete the Budget or Expenses for EACH section - Aside from salaried staff time, what are the costs associated with running some of the projects, programs, and networks in this pillar? Be prepared to share how much total funding you believe you will need for your environmental literacy plans.
Task 2: Reflection on Current Context. Be prepared to discuss the following questions.
What is the current funding situation at your COE for you and for projects lead?
How has the funding context for environmental literacy changed over time at your COE?
What is the general vibe now about funding at your COE?
Task 3: Pitch Decks. Add to your Pitch Decks, as you will be presenting those in April at our last meeting.
DATE and TIME: Friday April 12th from 9- 11:00 AM
This final session provides time for fellows to share their learning journey and action plan in a final presentation and cohort discussion. Cohort graduates will also receive support for sharing their final action plan more broadly with their own COE and with the CAELI COE Innovation Hub.
Task 1: Pitch Decks (Folder) Be ready to share your pitch deck in a ~10 minute presentation to our group. This can be individual or in COE teams. Feel free to modify the slide deck to match your real life priorities! We encourage you to gear it toward the most realistic audience that you might actually share it with. DUE FRIDAY APRIL 12 9:00 AM
Task 2: Explore Case Studies from the 2022-23 Cohort (Link)
Task 3: Your Case Study (Folder) After you share your pitch deck on April 12, you will have 30 minutes to work on your 3-4 page reflection. Please pre-load your reflection with any information from your action plan workbooks or pitch decks.