Level Basic

Level Basic - 9 videos

Total video runtime: approx. 1 hr 24 mins

YouTube Playlist: Level Basic - English

Video 01 - Staff and Treble Clef

In this video, we discuss how to read music using the staff. We also learn about the treble clef.

Video 02 - Bass Clef, Ledger Lines, Grand Staff, Middle C

This video discusses the bass clef and puts it together with the treble clef to form the grand staff. What happens if a note is written above or below the staff? Find out in this video.

Video 03 - Note and Rest Values

We begin a discussion about rhythm in this video by learning about different note and rest values.

Video 04 - Time Signatures

In this video, we learn about the concept of time signatures.

Video 05 - Time Signatures (practice)

After watching video 04, watch this video to practice what you learned about time signatures.

Video 06 - Dynamics

What happens if we want our music to be played louder? What if it's too loud and we need to play at a softer volume? Dynamics help us communicate that.

Video 07 - Repeat and Reference Symbols

When reading sheet music, there are markers that we must recognize. This video deals with these markers, known as repeat and reference symbols.

Video 08 - Repeat and Reference Symbols - Practice

You've learned the different repeat and reference symbols. Put them into practice with this video.

Video 09 - How to Work a Level Basic Theory Exam

Here's a practice exam to get you ready for your Basic Level Theory Exam.