Level 3

Level 3 - 9 videos

Total video runtime: approx. 1 hr 57 mins

YouTube Playlist: Level 3 - English

Video 01 - Transposing a Melody by an Octave

You have a melody that's too high to be sung? How would I make it so that it's in a lower register? That's what we talk about here.

We also address how to change clefs when doing an octave transposition.

Video 02 - Octave Transposition Examples

Some more examples of octave transposition.

Video 03 - Melodic Minor Scales

Add another scale to your belt! Here comes the melodic minor scale!

Don't worry, every scale has a distinct use in music theory.

Video 04 - Determine the Key of a Piece with a Key Signature

How do we know whether a piece is in a major or minor key? Does the key signature give us enough information? The answers to these questions and more in this video.

Video 05 - Intervals

We learn about categorizing and determining the distance and quality of an interval.

Video 06 - Intervals

We learn about categorizing and determining the distance and quality of an interval some more.

Video 07 - Intervals - Practice

In this video, we practice what we've learned about intervals in the previous two videos. My, my, intervals are important.

Video 08 - Chords

We love chords. Harmony is what makes music interesting! This video will help you understand exactly what is going on.

Video 09 - Chords - Practice

Practice writing some triads now that you know how they work.