
Alpha Gamma Sigma Awards are recognition awards that are non-monetary.

Billee Paul Outstanding Leadership Award

Ms. Paul was a Student Services Coordinator with numerous awards given out in her honor every year as testament to her long-standing commitment to the staff and students of Cabrillo College. Billee was an advisor with AGS for more than 40 years. This award goes to the board member who has done an exceptional job as a leader over the entire duration of their time in AGS. It is for the individual who has constantly gone above and beyond the requirements of every AGS position they’ve ever held, been that person other members know they can always count on, and maintained an admirable attitude throughout every AGS event that they’ve been to. Thank you for making AGS awesome! Leaders who have been part of AGS for over a year and a half are eligible to receive this award, and the advisor(s) get to pick the board member who will bring this one home.

Tabitha Mahoney Outstanding New Leader Award

For the new board member or event chair who did an incredible job as a leader from the very start of their AGS membership. This member took their position(s) to a new level, constantly did more than what was asked of them, exemplified how effective teamwork is done, asked plenty of great questions, actively participated in numerous club events, and was always enjoyable to be around. Thank you for all of your hard work over these past several months and for doing the best job in your position(s) that you possibly could have done! For this award, only the work that members have done over the past school year will be considered. AGS board members vote to select the winner and no board member is allowed to vote for themselves. This award is dedicated to the following AGS leaders: Rebecca Ivanusich, Austin Yungmeyer, Crystal Prado, and Abdulrahman Almalouhi.

Charles Bell Service Award

Charles Bell served as an adviser to the students of Cabrillo College for over 30 years. As the secretary to the state advisory board, he worked diligently to keep chapters informed of their status. He was also the expert on AGS, Inc's Standing Rules and Bylaws, and was a trained parliamentarian. In 1998, the State Advisory Board chose to honor him by presenting the top service awards in his name. The Gamma Phi chapter honors him by awarding the general member who has provided the most service to their community and chapter.

Lupita Uribe Award

This award honors Alpha Gamma Sigma members that complete 100 community service hours within one school year. This award is a way to recognize those members who have gone above and beyond the 15 hours per semester, thoroughly demonstrating community involvement, as well as a desire to succeed and exceed expectations. This award is for both e-board and general members and members who receive this award are also eligible to receive other annual chapter awards in the same year.

Andi Valle Service Award

For an epic performance in Alpha Gamma Sigma. For your time and dedication not to mention your terrific attitude during all club related activities. This one's for you.

Zoe Davidson Enthusiasm Award

The general member who has shown the most enthusiasm for AGS. This award is named after a well loved advisor who retired in 2008.

Max Bergman Tutoring Award

For the member who provides the most tutoring hours each year.

Pete Wang Most Active First Semester Award

The general member that racked up the most number of hours their first semester of membership.

Charlotte Achen Outstanding Membership Awards

This chapter recognizes several general members who contributed a significant amount of time and energy to this chapter, community and the college. Named after a former AGS and ASCC Student Senate president.


Gamma Phi Chapter is a monetary scholarship awarded to active members of AGS.

Gamma Phi Chapter Scholarship Application

Each year our chapter awards scholarships to our more active members.

Please submit the application in a sealed envelope along with your essay, transcript, and letter of recommendation to:

Yves Tan (room 622 or in person)

by Thursday, March 21, 2019, 5:00 pm

Note: Not all chapter awards are given out every year. Only members who have met the criteria al eligible.