Poster Session

Poster Session and Pizza

Saturday, 6:30 -- 8:00 pm

Poster presenters and their titles

  • Kieran Bhaskara, Hadamard products and binomial ideals

  • Trung C Chau, Barile-Macchia resolutions

  • Benjamin Dequêne, The Kroweras complement on nonnesting partitions

  • Shiliang Gao, Minimal equations for some Kazhdan-Lusztig-Lusztig varieties

  • Félix Gélinas, Proof of a conjecture of Matherne, Morales, and Selover on encodings of unit interval orders

  • Chahra Kechar, Existence of positive solutions for a fractional compartment system

  • Aihua Li, Zero divisor graphs of matrices over finite commutative rings

  • Peilin Li, Building monomial ideals with fixed Betti numbers

  • Haggai Liu, Computing fundamental groups of weighted Hassett spaces

  • Thiago Lopes de Holleben, Homological invariants of ternary graphs

  • Naufil Sakran, Unipotent Wilf Conjecture

  • Matthew St.Denis, Degrees of P-Grothendieck polynomials and Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of Pfaffian ideals

  • Jonathan Toledo Toledo, Progress on persistence property

  • Megan Vance, Counting parking sequences and parking assortments through permutations

  • Rui Xiong, Murnaghan--Nakayama rules and hook formulas

  • Sylvester Zhang, Double dimers and super cluster algebras