Administrator Support

This series of training is designed to assist each participant in reflecting on their practices and identifying targeted solutions and strategies to positively impact educational experiences and learning outcomes for African American students. 

In each of the following sessions, participants will be provided a tool, guidance, and support to develop, review, or revise (as appropriate) their personal equity action plan used to strategically identify high leverage, personally actionable SMARTE goals that will move the needle for meaningful and sustainable improvement.

Culture and Climate Matter!

Participants will identify evidenced-based Culturally Responsive Leadership strategies to create school and classroom learning environments that are safe for all students, supportive, builds student confidence and self-identity. What do students need? What do staff need? How will we know when its working? How will we respond when it isn’t working? How will we engage all staff in this work? How will we invite families to meaningfully participate in this effort? Develop, review and/or revise Personal Equity Action Plan for Leaders as appropriate.

Identifying and Removing Barriers to Success for Black Students

Explore disaggregated school data and root cause analysis of Black Student achievement experiences and outcomes at their site. Develop a Personal Equity Action Plan for Leaders and work collaboratively to identify and review targeted equity actions in their School Site plans to impact change. Participants will identify goals and barriers and discuss monitoring frequency and leadership response to data reviews. Participants will be provided resources and strategies to overcome some of the most common areas identified as challenges and lead their staff in courageous conversations around equity data.

Create Dynamic and Engaging Educational Experiences for Black Students 

Participants will explore information to better understand the status of education through the lens of African American students and their families today. They will be immersed in conversation on the needs of African American students, what factors make them unique, as well as what they have in common with other students. Participants will learn to identify learning styles, communication patterns, and how to seamlessly incorporate and honor the rich culture and identity of our Black students to create inviting, respectful and supportive learning experiences for all students.