CAA: Padova-Verona research group on
"Constructive Approximation and Applications"
We have been collaborating since 2005 in the field of Constructive Approximation and Applications in the broad sense, with a special interest in the study and implementation of effective approximation algorithms, and in the production of reliable numerical software.
The graffiti above, which is part of the mural made on the occasion of 100 years of Polish Mathematical Union, can be found at the Department of Mathematics of the Jagellonian University Cracow. It represents the Approximate Fekete and Leja Points for polynomial interpolation of degree 6 on a 270° circular sector, computed by the methods developed by our group.
e-journal: Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation (DRNA)
indexed in DOAJ // EMIS // ISI WoS // MathSciNet // Scopus // Zentralblatt
Q2 Scimago Journal Ranking 2017-2020
Here are the people belonging to the CAA research group (our average Erdos number: 2.7)
Len Bos (Computer Science, Verona)
Stefano De Marchi (Mathematics, Padova)
Francesco Marchetti (Mathematics, Padova)
Alvise Sommariva (Mathematics, Padova)
Marco Caliari (Computer Science, Verona)
Wolfgang Erb (Mathematics, Padova)
Federico Piazzon (Mathematics, Padova)
Marco Vianello (Mathematics, Padova)
Ph.D. students and Post-docs:
Cinzia Bandiziol (PhD, Mathematics, Padova)
Giacomo Elefante (post-doc, Mathematics, Padova)
Mohammad Karimnejad Esfahani (PhD, Mathematics, Padova)
Maryam Mohammadi (post-doc, Mathematics, Padova)
Franco Zivcovich (post-doc, Computer Science, Verona)
Other italian institutions:
Emma Perracchione (researcher, Mathematics, Torino)
Gabriele Santin (researcher at FBK, Trento)
external collaborators:
Federico Lot (Marburg)
Davide Poggiali
Past and present graduate collaborators:
Anna Bassi, Claudia Bittante, Matteo Briani, Monica Dessole, Mattia Festa, Gaspare Da Fies, Mariano Gentile, Andrea Idda, Martina Marchioro, Roberto Montagna, Mariangela Narduzzo, Valeria Piciocchi, Alessandro Punzi, Amos Sironi, Martina Zaccaron
Local collaborations:
D. Cecchin (Diagnostic Imaging, Padova)
P. Gallo (Neurosciences, Padova)
F. Marcuzzi (Mathematics, Padova)
National collaborations:
RITA (Research ITalian network on Approximation)
Working Group TAA-UMI (Approximation Theory and Applications, Italian Mathematical Union)
Extra collaborations:
Padova Neuroscience Center: PNC
EnginSoft Srl
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Fondazione Bruno Kessler
International contacts and collaborations:
Kendall Atkinson (Iowa City)
Miroslaw Baran (Krakow)
Brian Bauman (LLNL, USA)
Rick Beatson (Christchurch)
Jean-Paul Berrut (Fribourg)
Leokadia Bialas-Ciez (Krakow)
Thomas Bloom (Toronto)
Martin Buhmann (Giessen)
Jean-Paul Calvi (Toulouse)
Annie Cuyt (Antwerp)
Carl de Boor (Madison)
Greg Fasshauer (Golden)
Mahadevan Ganesh (Golden)
Walter Gautschi (Purdue)
Kai Hormann (Lugano)
Maciej Klimek (Uppsala)
Armin Iske (Hamburg)
András Kroó (Budapest)
Paul Leopardi (NCI Melbourne)
Norm Levenberg (Bloomington)
Sione Ma'u (Auckland)
Gerard Meurant (Paris)
Akil Narayan (Salt Lake City)
Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà (Barcelona)
Alexander Ostermann (Innsbruck)
Leszek Plaskota (Warsaw)
Wieslaw Plesniak (Krakow)
Emilio Porcu (Dublin)
Stefan Rainer (Innsbruck)
Francesca Rapetti (Nice)
Ed Saff (Nashville)
Robert Schaback (Göttingen)
Michael Slawinski (Newfoundland)
Ian Sloan (Sydney)
Yogaray Sudhakar (IIT Goa)
Konstantin Usevich (CNRS Nancy)
Shayne Waldron (Auckland)
Wolfgang A. Wall (Muenchen)
Andreas Weinmann (Darmstadt)
Holger Wendland (Bayreuth)
Rob Womersley (Sydney)
Grady Wright (Boise)
Yuan Xu (Eugene)