Day 7: In the stillness

Read: Luke 24: 1-3

The Sabbath came. Jesus had been crucified and His body placed in a borrowed tomb. The crowds were gone and the shouting had quieted. In the wake of Jesus’ controversial killing, Pilate, the Roman governor over Judea, ordered additional watch over His grave. In the stillness after chaos, it seemed that the story of Jesus had come to an end. But stillness must not be confused with ending!

Like story of Elijah, God was not in the chaos of the fire or wind but it was in the still small quiet whisper from heaven. Sometimes we need things to settle before we can truly see what God is about to do.

This moment of silence between the Friday and the Sunday led the way to the shaking of the world both then and now. On the surface of the grave it looked like the end, it was all over but behind the scenes Jesus was winning the biggest victory of all. Nobody knew that He would not only be raised to life, but that He would defeat death for all time. With His resurrection, Jesus proved that no darkness is permanent, no death is victorious, He has the final say. Maybe there’s a hope in your heart that has been buried, locked behind a heavy stone. When nothing seems to be happening on the surface, take heart; Resurrection is here! Jesus has ALL authority! Its resurrection day!


What buried hope is Jesus challenging you to believe for again?

Are you willing to open this area of your heart to Him?