Political Parties

Key Question:What role do political parties play in campaigns and elections?

Table of Contents

History and Functions of Political Parties

his lesson has students explore the functions of political parties by viewing video clips of Democratic and Republican party officials and elected officials performing these functions. Students will explain how political parties recruit and nominate candidates, get candidates elected, monitor the party in power and organize government.

The Impact of Third Party Candidates

Key Question: What impact(s), if any, do Third Party candidates have on presidential elections?

Video Clip: Role and History of Third Parties in the U.S. (8/15/2016- 5:51)

Video Clip: The Know-Nothing Party (03/18/2014 – 3:32)

Video Clip: The Prohibition Party (03/08/2013 – 2:26)

Video Clip: Whigs and Republicans (8/9/2018- 2:35)

Culminating Assessment

  • Choose one of the two major parties and create a short political advertisement that would appeal to a large audience and distinguish your party from the other. This can be done through video, political cartoon, brochure, short scene or monologue.

  • Write a persuasive speech either defending the two-party system, or advocating for more third-parties in the American election process.

  • Research other countries and how they operate with many different parties. Have each group choose a different country and then present to the class.