Team Info

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"Keep it simple"

We are a Robotics team 4662 from Scappoose, Oregon. We have been a part of the FIRST Robotics program since 2012 and we hope to enter our 11th competition season this year. We were formerly known as Tribal Tech but changed our name in our forth year. Each year we build, program, and compete with robots against other robotics teams in State, Regional, and World events. FIRST teaches students and their communities about the importance of science and technology and stimulates interest and appreciation for these fields of study. Students have the opportunity to develop and enhance their understanding of those areas, and gain life skills including cooperation, time management, and gracious professionalism

Team Structure

Team Leadership

Captain: Conrad F

Co-Captain: Sean M

Secretary: none

Financial Officer: Sean M


Our team is structured into Sub-Teams to allow for work to be split between many students.

Our Sub-Teams are as follows: