Hongsu Byun
M.S/Ph.D Integrated Student
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Sogang University, Seoul, South Korea
Member of Data-Intensive AI Computing & Systems (DISCOS) Laboratory
Advisor : Prof. Sungyong Park
Co-Advisor : Prof. Youngjae Kim
Email: byhs@sogang.ac.kr / LinkedIn / Github
Research Interests
Key-Value Store, Database, Storage System
In-Storage Processing, Computational Storage
Filesystem, Linux Kernel, Operating System
M.S/Ph.D Integrated Student in Computer Science and Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul Korea, 2021 ~ present
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul Korea, 2021
ECO-KVS: Energy-aware Compaction Offloading Mechanism for LSM-tree based Key-Value Stores in Edge Federation,
Jeeseob Kim, Hongsu Byun*, Seungjae Lee, Myoungjoon Kim, Youngjae Kim, Zaipeng Xie, Sungyong Park (*Co-first author with Jeeseob Kim),
In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) (2025), Tromsø, Norway, May, 2025. (Acceptance Rate: 55/219 = 25.1%) [pdf] [talk]KVAccel: A Novel Write Accelerator for LSM-Tree-Based KV Stores with Host-SSD Collaboration,
KiHwan Kim, Hyunsun Chung, Seonghoon Ahn, Junhyeok Park, Safdar Jamil, Hongsu Byun, Myungcheol Lee, Jinchun Choi, Youngjae Kim,
In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Int'l Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) (2025), Milan, Italy, June 3-7, 2025. [pdf] [talk],
Hardware Architecture (cs.AR), 11 pages, arXiv:2410.21760 [cs.CR], October 29, 2024. [arXiv]Refining Compaction Offloading I/O Stack for LSM-based Key-value Stores with SPDK,
Honghyeon Yoo, Hongsu Byun*, Sungyong Park (*Co-first author with Honghyeon Yoo),
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (IEEE CLUSTER) (Poster) (2024), September 2024. [online][pdf]Coordinating Compaction between LSM-tree based Key-Value Stores for Edge Federation,
Jeeseob Kim, Honghyeon Yoo, Seungjae Lee, Hongsu Byun†, Sungyong Park (†Co-corresponding author with Prof. Sungyong Park),
IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE CLOUD) (2024), July 2024. (Acceptance rate : 19.4%) [online][pdf][news]An Analytical Model-based Capacity Planning Approach for Building CSD-based Storage Systems,
Hongsu Byun, Safdar Jamil, Jungwook Han, Sungyong Park, Myungcheol Lee, Changsoo Kim, Beongjun Choi, Youngjae Kim,
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) (2024), Vol.23, Issue 6, No. 92, pp. 1-25, November 2024 (online, September 2023). [online][pdf] [news]
Scalable Filesystem : High-performance Linux Filesystem and Open-source Kafka-based Streaming Big Data Processing Service [video]
Developing prototype for high-speed processing of blockchain data using CSD, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2021.5 ~ Current
Research on High Performance and Scalable Manycore Operating System : Scalable NOVA File System, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), 2021.1 ~ 2022.2
Work Experience
Visiting Student at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA, 2022.7 ~ 2022.8
Teaching Experience
TA, Embedded System Software, Sogang University, Spring, 2023
TA, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Sogang University, Fall, 2022
TA, Introduction of Algorithm (SCSC), Sogang University, Spring, 2022
TA, Operating System, Sogang University, Fall, 2021
TA, Assembly Programming, Sogang University, Spring, 2021