How can I port my data to another device?

First you have to create and share the backup file from the old device via messaging apps or via cloud providers e.g. dropbox from Settings > Share backup option in Personal Vault. Access the file from the new device and save it in your device's Download folder. Download and install Personal Vault from Play Store on the new device. Use the same username and password to "Add User" as in your old device. Upon login, you can restore backup via Settings > Restore backup. You must allow permission to access file from the storage.

How can I create a record template?

Creating template is not available as an option, however it is easy as cutting a piece of pie. You can create a record with the fields you want e.g. for a Credit Card, create a record with Card#, CVV, Expiry and remove the ones not needed and save under a bespoke category e.g. "Template". Similarly, create other templates and save under the same "Template" category. You can view these records under the same records list view under "Template" category.

To create a Credit Card record, choose the Copy command from the specific record and simply update Category and Title. You'll only see the fields you have added :)

Can I create multiple accounts?

Yes. This feature is only available in PRO. Multiple accounts allows your family members to manage their accounts on the same device. Also, if you want to segregate your personal and official data, this is a great way to create multiple accounts.

Where are my accounts created?

Accounts are created on the device. You can't access it over internet. Caution: If you uninstall app from your device, you'll loose all your data. So, take frequent backups or enable auto backup to avoid any accidental data loss.

What can I do if I forget both my password and PIN?

You can try to recover your password by answering secret questions you would have set during registration. If you are unable to recover, you can create another account or uninstall and reinstall application, which would reset all the data. Caution: Uninstallation will delete/remove all the accounts and data associated with the app, so carefully exercise this option.

I don't remember my username. How can I recover?

To give you piece of mind, app would now with v3.2.0 display all the usernames available on the device. You can easily select and login or use Remember Me option to avoid re-selection every time. If only single user exists on the device, you need not worry anymore. Update to the version v3.2.0 and above to get the lost username back. You can't recover if you have already uninstalled the app.

I forgot my PIN, how can I login?

You can reset your PIN using “Forgot your PIN?” option in the login screen or use password to login. In both cases, you must remember your password. Alternatively, use fingerprint to login, if enabled, on fingerprint supported device.

I can't see fingerprint login option

Fingerprint (Touch ID) is only supported on Android 6.0 and above with required hardware. Also, fingerprint is available only on PRO version. If you are using free/demo version, please consider upgrading to PRO via About>Upgrade.

How can I reset my account?

You can use “Settings>Unregister” feature after you have logged-in to unregister/reset your account. Caution: Unregistration removes all your data and deletes the user account. To prevent any potential data loss, please create backup before resetting your account.

How can I create backup?

Settings > Create backup allows you to create backup in Downloads folder. Any existing backup will be overwritten.

Can I sync my data on another device?

Yes. Being offline product, it does not have auto cloud sync capability yet. You can, however, create and share the backup file via messaging apps from Settings > Share backup or cloud providers and save the file in your other device's Download folder and apply Settings > Restore backup through the app.

I am getting “Decryption Failed” error while syncing.

Data in the backup file is encrypted with your password. You may have changed your password since the last backup taken. You must supply the correct password to re-sync.

I forgot my old password, how can I sync data?

You can delete the backup file from the Download folder and retake the backup.

I am not able to sync data on another device.

Data in the backup file is encrypted with your password. You must register on another device with the same user credentials to be able to sync data across devices. As there is no cloud backup, backup file can be shared via app and should be downloaded on to another device.

Where is backup file stored?

Backup file is created in the Download folder of your device with the name “PersonalVault_<username>.bkp”, which can be accessed using any file explorer mobile app.

I am getting “Missing mandatory fields / Incorrect delimiter” error while importing?

“Category” and “Title” are mandatory fields. CSV file must contain these fields. Also CSV file must contain the selected delimiter. As the parsing logic can’t distinguish between the two errors, you must validate the import file before you import.

I have commas (‘,’) in the records, how can I import them with comma delimiter?

You must bind each field between double quotes (“”).

Exporting to csv is not exporting all data.

Exporting only exports your current records. Archived records are not exported.

How do I create/edit Custom Fields?

Custom fields can be created while creating/editing records using “Add field” button. Alternatively, you can create/edit via “Settings>Manage Custom Fields”.

Why I can’t delete few of the custom fields?

Custom fields screen lists default fields followed by user created custom fields. Default fields can’t be deleted or edited, however, you can view their properties.

Will deleting the custom fields delete fields in the records?

No. You can be rest assured that your records are not modified.

Will editing custom fields, edit records?

By default No. You must select “Apply to all records” to apply changes to all the records where the field appears.

Why I can’t change Text field to Number fields and vice-versa?

Field type can be changed within similar field types to prevent any accidental loss of data.

What is “Allow sharing” in custom fields?

“Allow sharing” makes the field sharable i.e. when you share a record over messaging apps, only data from sharable fields are shared. So, you have complete authority over what you want to share.

What is “Allow copy” in custom fields?

“Allow copy” allows you to copy data to clipboard using ease of use copy button that appears in the view screen next to the field. You would normally use this option for fields like “Username”, “Card #” etc. to quickly copy the data for using it in the browser and so on.

What is “Apply to all records” in custom fields?

“Apply to all records” applies the changes to all the records where the field appears. This is to allow users to modify all the records all at once. This is optional. Your existing records remains unchanged when not selected.

I didn’t select “Apply to all records”, can I still modify fields in the records?

If you forget to select this option and still want to apply the changes, you could again open the field and select “Apply to all records” and save.

I love this app, how can I rate this app?

You can support developer and rate via “About>Rate” option. All your reviews count, so feel free to contact if you are not happy with the product or have any suggestions to improve the quality.

I need further assistance, how can I contact the developer?

If you are unable to find your answer on this page and need further assistance, you can email me @ by8ek.aus@gmail.com.